Chapter Five

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Movie lines that effectively fit into my life:

"Say hello to my little friend." Scarface

"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue." Airplane

"I know they were just kids...but man we beat the fuck out of them!" Dogma

"She had hands as big as Andre the Giant, and she had an Adam's apple as big as her balls." 40 Year Old Virgin...okay, the last one doesn't fit, but it is funny as hell!

"Are we supposed to follow her?" John asked, confused, as we watched Micha walk out the door.

I shrugged; I had yet to understand her.

When John headed for the door, I grabbed the wadded up napkin and shoved it in my pocket. I didn't know why I did, but I did.

Micha was standing in front of the café, looking at the city lights in the distance.

John's cell phone rang so he stepped down the block to answer it. I didn't have a curfew, but he did.

I stood behind Micha and allowed my eyes to work up and down her figure. She was hot, crazy or not, she was still hot: long, toned legs, curvy hips and round ass—you could clearly see the bottoms of her cheeks when she walked in that attempt at a dress, and the black panties she wore said FEL on one cheek and ONY on the other—and long arms and slender hands, her neck was long and feminine, and she held her head high and shoulders back as if she was someone of importance and strong.

There was nothing weak about this woman... Not even lack of mental well-being was an apparent weakness.

John mumbled a string of profanities under his breath as he headed back towards us.

"So snorting coke off a hooker's ass is out of the question for tonight," Micha surmised, turning to regard him.

I laughed, but John looked at her in shocked surprise.

She smirked and returned her attention to the city lights. "Oh well, maybe next time. It was a pleasure meeting you, Johnny Boy."

"Likewise, do you need a ride?" he asked, unsure.

"Is Haigh-Ashbury out of your way?"

John shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Getting a cab this late at night is impossible. Besides, I think Shorty over there has a thing for you."

I glared, flipping him off.

What a fucker.

"Good to know," Micha said then headed back towards the gallery.

I punched John in the arm as hard as I could. "What the fuck?" I hissed under my breath.

"What?" he whispered with a smile. "I thought you liked her. I mean you can't keep your eyes off her."

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