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As I walked back onto the beach, after getting changed, I walked to Adam, and all of the others. I got to them, and said,

"Hey, Im back now.", I said,

"No, your now, i dont see you", adam said smirking,

"Im, gonna go for a swim", Dakota said standing up and running towards the water, and splashing into the water, then followed by everone else, but me.

I decided to vlog,

"Hello brotaytos, Sarah here. And guess where I am...? AM AT THE BEACH-EACH LEATS GO GET AWAY", I sang, "Yup, its mah first time to the beach, and Adam, Ty, Jason, Mitch, Bacca and Dakota! They all kidnapped me this morning... Well i guess...Anyways, So yeah, and today, i will be posting a vid, so i will tell you when and where i will be a PAX (A/N- yes i know it was a couple of days ago). I hope to see you there, and so do all the others", I said, pointing the camera at the boys, "And if your not, I will come and find you and kill you... im messin...OR AM I?! No, so, that video will be going up, around 5:00 ish, so i will hope to see you at PAX. So what else is happening...Oh, its my birthday soon, on the 25 of July, and today is the 20th, so i cant waitttttttt. Sorry guys, im super hyper right now, soo-", i was cut off by sometging pulling at my leg. I screamed and looked down to see Jason pulling me towards the water,

"NO JASON, STOP IT", I screamed as he kept pulling me closer. I could see all the others come over, then pick me up, they got to just before the water, and Adam grabbed my arms, and still Jason was holding onto my legs. All the other boys let go, so just Jason and Adam where holding me. And then they began to swing me back and forth, and then they let go. The cold water hit my skin, and I screamed, the all began to laugh.

A/N- guys i suddenly just didnt want to write, because something happened, and then i cried and then I just had to do stuff. So i am pissed off, and feel like just sleeping forever...wheres rumplestilskin when you need him?... And I just feel like hidding away forever because of it. So I might not be uodateing for a few days, depending on weather i feel up to it, or eather that person that im pissed at might have killed me. So sorry guys, i dont want you guys killing me aswell, so sorry, if i dont update :3



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