A New School Year

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One fictional school year = three months
One fictional week = ten days

This Hogwarts school year starts on 1st May 2016 and ends on 1st August 2016. The House Cup will also be awarded on 1st August 2016.

The magical lessons will start on 1st May 2016 in which you will be given homework to finish before ten days have passed otherwise points will be taken from your house. Homework is completely optional and if you know you will be unable to complete your homework, please PM me beforehand. Completed homework will earn you house points.

The Head Boy/Girl and Prefects will be chosen once the school year has started. Prefects must be at least a fifth year and Head Boy/Girls must be in seventh year.

House points may only be given/taken by Prefects, Head Boy/Girl and Professors.

The students of the house that wins The First House Cup will receive 50 Galleons each.

In order to submit your homework, email it to thewizardingworldonwattpad@gmail.com
If you are unable to send it via email for whatever reason, PM your homework to the Professor that is teaching the class.

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And WizardryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora