Chapter 2: How she found them

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Dipper :
When we were done eating Ford called a family meeting. Everyone sat on the floor and gathered around him. Ford and Stan both stood up looking very serious.
"Ok everyone as you may have heard the town is being ruled by an 11 year old and is in complete chaos." Said Ford.
We all nodded are heads slowly.
" well it's time we fight back. This Gideon kid has the police and the town on his side, but we have each other. So we need to gear up and and get ready to take action. " Ford explained.
"But first we need to start simple." Stan chimed in. " listen we are running out of food and we can't live on canned meat forever. So staring tomorrow were gonna start training you all. Your going to learn how to fight and get some new weapons." Stan was about to say something else until he saw Ford look at his watch. " it's very late we'll talk more tomorrow and start your training. You all best be getting to bed." Ford said with a small yawn.
I looked over at Soos and Wendy and they both gave me a small smile. I gave them a smile back. I Then laid down in my sleeping bag and stared up at the ceiling. I remembered when Soos and Wendy first came to the bunker.
* flashback *
When we got to the bunker Ford wrapped up my arms in some bandages while everyone sat around and did nothing. Mabel asked if she go outside and everyone screamed no. Ford said we should all go to sleep and we will think everything through tomorrow.

Mabel :
I couldn't sleep. So many things happened today and I wanted to walk around. When I was sure everyone was asleep I grabbed my garbling hook just in case, and went outside. I sat against the tree of the bunker and looked at the stars. I hoped all my friends were ok. Suddenly I herd something in the bushes. I quickly grabbed my grabbing hook and aimed toward the bush. I was about to shoot when I herd a familiar voice tell someone to keep it down. "Wendy ?" I said allowed. I saw the red head poke her head out from the bush.
"Mabel ?!" She exclaimed.
We both rushed to give each other hugs.
"Dude we've been looken for you guys everywhere!" Soos exclaimed.
"Were is everyone?" Wendy asked.
" In the bunker. I said. I'll go get them."
I ran inside the bunker and I screamed "EVERYBODY WAKE UP!" Instantly everybody woke up. Ford grabbed his gun, Stan grabbed his brass knuckles, and Dipper screamed like a girl.
" Guys you don't have to fight anyone Soos and Wendy are here." I said.
Dang it Mabel you had us scared to death! " Ford and Stan screamed at once.
" sorry." I said.
We all walked outside to greet them.
Stan said they should probably go back to their homes before Gideon or the police catch them. But Soos and Wendy wanted to stay here and help us. Soos said he could be the handy man of the chaos, and well we all know Wendy was a good fighter. Everyone agreed to let them stay with us.
We all went back to bed after I woke everyone up at 3:00 am:). I looked at the woods and the night sky one more time before I heard Dipper say
"Come on Mabel."
"Coming." I said.
I walked toward the bunker and I went inside.
* end of flashback *
Thanks for reading. Please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes. If you have any suggestions for this story or any other ones I would love to hear them.
~Pizza girl out;)

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