Protect Me: Chapter 10

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The following day, around noon, we reached the edge of the forest before the desert. Kuryah had been asleep in my arms the entire time. I looked down at her worriedly. She never stirred. Her breathing was slow and shallow and her heart rate was very irregular. At one point I thought it had stopped altogether.

"Gaara, we're stopping for lunch. You should put her down for a while," Baki said from behind me. My grip tightened slightly, but my arms were burning. I jumped out of the tree closest to the sand and leaned Kuryah against it. I stretched my arms, almost wincing in pain. I still wasn't healed from my battle with Naruto and the Uchiha. Suddenly there was an explosion nearby. I looked and saw Temari sprinting towards us, clutching her arm.

"An trap set nearby. I can't tell how many there are." My sand shot up on my side, and there were several solid thunks on it. I glanced around to see the shine of more weapons flying at me. More sand shielded me, but then it was blown away in a similar to what Kuryah had done. I looked and saw that she was still asleep and looked around in surprise, although I doubt my face showed it. Who was attacking us? I heard the whizzing of flying weapons and froze. I couldn't control my sand. What would I do?

"Leave them alone." The weapons hit a wall of air, it seemed, and fell to the ground. I turned to see Kuryah standing, as if she hadn't been out mere second before. A dark chuckle came from the direction of the weapons. I turned to the noise with my hackles slightly raised.

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite niece." A figure stepped into the light. It was a man, average height, with dark brown hair like Kuryah's. He looked young, and his dark eyes shone with evil.

"Uncle," Kuryah spat. The venom in her voice sent a shiver down my spine.

"Aw, you remember me after all these years. I'm flattered," he said dramatically. I heard her growl.

"How could I not? You and Aunty left me with such lovely parting gifts," she mockingly responded.

"How dare you speak about her like that! She is the clan head now!"

"I'm not part of the clan anymore! I have a new family!" The man laughed.

"Who? These sand shinobi? Do they know what you really are?" What? Was Kuryah really that different from normal people like my siblings? Was what Naruto said true? Had she really gone through so much pain because she was like me, a monster?

"Shut up! Like you even know what I really am! Besides, the Akatsuki in my family." The man's face paled as my eyes widened slightly. I hadn't figured she thought of them as family. Suddenly Kuryah was standing next to him. She went to grab him, but he jumped away. I saw her weave hand signs wickedly fast and the wind picked up to abnormal speeds. I thought I could hear voices in the wind.

'Gaara,' a voice whispered to me. I spun around, but no one was around me.

'Gaara.' This time it was a woman's. It was soft and beautiful, and almost familiar.

"Don't listen to the voices!" I heard Kuryah shout. I looked and saw that she was right in front of me. She looked at me and her eyes widened. I blinked and she seemed so far away. She reached out for me, and the whispers in my head grew louder. Much louder than Shukaku had ever been. I closed my eyes and clutched my head. It felt like my brain was going to explode. I screamed out of pain.


After I activated the jutsu, I realized that Gaara and his team were in range. It'd drive them insane.

"Don't listen to the voices!" I yelled, and everyone looked at me. All their eyes were normal, except for Gaara. His eyes had become almost completely white. My eyes widened and I teleported to right in front of him. I stifled a gasp when I saw that his weren't white. They were totally clear. The jutsu never took affect this fast, and I'd only seen this level once before. He blinked very slow and I reached out to him as his eyes opened. Then his eyes slowly closed again and he slowly gripped his temples. I pulled him into my arms as he silently screamed and released the jutsu. He slumped in my arms, out cold.

"You are so weak. Letting your enemy go just to save someone who doesn't care. Who is so closed off to his emotions that he'd never accept you." I gently layed Gaara on the ground and faced my uncle.

"You don't know how accepting people ca be, Ichi." I hissed his name. The name he hated. His face darkened.

"How do you know that name?" he growled.

"Dad told me," I lied, trying to unfocus him. It worked too, because his eyes glazed over and I saw his weight shift to his heels. Totally defenseless. I pulled out a kunai and threw it at him, quickly weaving hand signs afterwards for an attack of anywhere he might move to. He dodge the first attack, barely paying attention in time. Then my air kunai hit him as he hopped down a branch. He cried out in pain and I decided I could try a new jutsu on him. I weaved an set of unfamiliar hand signs, hoping it wouldn't backfire again.

"Demon release: Burning blood," I whispered. I stared intently at Ichi, watching his reaction. I saw small sparks on the branch, showing drops of blood burning up. Then he started screaming. I felt Kami shut herself out of my mind, leaving room for Jashin to cloud my thoughts. I felt his bloody pleasure in the jutsu I had finally managed to complete. I could feel a cruel smile stretch across my face.

'Make him suffer, and find pleasure in his pain.' I nodded and flashed to the tree branch. Ichi was still screaming, but he had fallen to his knees. He looked at me and mumbled something about showing mercy. I laughed.

"How many times did I beg for mercy?! How many times did I ask you to stop?!" I yelled, anger growing in my gut. I weaved signs again and punch his spine. He cried out in pain as electricity spiked through his body.

"You sure to torture...someone," he gasped.

"I learned from the best. I also learned how to kill," I growled, flexing my electrified fist. Sparks flew at him at random, torturing the outside of his body while his insides slowly burned. He gritted his teeth, and I grinned insanely at his pain.

'Tell him. Tell him where he'll die,' Jashin urged. I leaned down to Ichi's ear.

"You will die here alone. You won't die with a loved one around, like Haruki and Ani did." His eyes widened. "OH, you thought they were still alive somewhere? No. Itachi-nii-san killed them that night. Now, you'll die alone. And slowly." I stepped back and made one last hand sign.

"No! Please!"

"Lightning release: Asylum torture." Time seemed to freeze as I walked away. I heard myself laughing with Jashin. I felt so powerful. I finally felt free. I walked over to Gaara and picked him up piggyback style, like he'd done for me so long ago.

"Who are you?" I turned and saw Gaara's team looking at me.

"I'm someone who you really don't want to piss off." They nodded, fear clearly displayed in their eyes. We then continued to the Sand village. Ichi stayed on that branch, forevermore trapped withing his own mental hell.


Sorry it's been a while. School started back up and I just haven't been able to write. Hope you enjoyed the lovely battle I created for you! Until next time my friends!

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