Chapter 14 - Confused

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An ambulance soon came to the venue and paramedics swarmed into the backstage area, surrounded by security officers so when they went back out, they wouldn't be surrounded by fans. The paramedics scooped Desiree up onto a stretcher. Both bands followed to watch what happened.

Brayan, Dawson, Jonah, Charlie, and I tried to get in the ambulance with Desiree to go to the hospital with her. Ashton, Calum, and Luke just stood at the door to the backstage area and watched.

"Please, please," the paramedics pushed us back, "only family is allowed to go with the girl."

"I'm her brother," Charlie raised his hand and moved to the front of the group, springing himself into the back of the ambulance. I could see him grab ahold of Desiree's hand.

I sighed, and the other three boys began to walk towards one of their cars. I followed, ask if what they were doing.

"We're going to follow the ambulance. Why do you care?" Dawson asked, continuing to walk.

"I'll explain why later. Can I go with you guys?" I wondered as they stepped into the car.

"Of course," Brayan smiled, winking at me because only he knew why I wanted to go.

I got in the backseat long with Jonah because Dawson and Brayan were in the front; Brayan was driving.

"So, Michael, why do you care so much about Desiree? And why have you been hanging out with her and Brayan so much? You're like a third wheel to them when they go on dates," Dawson scoffed.

"I-" I stopped myself from telling him what's going on, "they aren't dating, you know?"

"Yeah, well, how do you know? I'm the one who spends more time with them and talks to them more often. They spend so much time together. You are dating, right Bray?" He looked at his brother who was focused on the road.

"Dawson, you have everything wrong. Why would you assume I was dating Desiree?" Brayan corrected.

"So you aren't dating her? But you spend so much time together," Dawson fought back. I was sitting in the back awkwardly and Jonah was just sitting next to me and humming to himself, not wanting to get involved with the situation.

"Just because we spend a lot of time together doesn't mean we're dating.. We are just really close friends; we're like brother and sister. Don't just assume that we're dating," Brayan scolded Dawson.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. So you guys are all just friends and you go to hang out together?" Dawson wondered, looking back at me.

I didn't want to tell them while Desiree wasn't there, so I was glad when Brayan announced, "we're almost to the hospital! I can see it right up there. It's a really big hospital. I wonder if it's that serious?"

"No, I don't think it is," Jonah shook his head, speaking for the first time while in the car. I almost forgot he was there with us.

"Let's follow Charlie in," Dawson suggested, and we all agreed. I knew that Charlie would come out of the ambulance and go into the hospital behind the paramedics with Desiree on the stretcher.

We parked and walked towards the ambulance. They slammed the back doors shut and began rushing Desiree in. Charlie walked behind them, so we followed him.

The EMTs forced Charlie to stay in the waiting room, so I knew we'd have to stay in there too. It almost killed me not knowing what happened. I hadn't even been told what happened; I was only told that she fainted.

"Brayan," I turned to him, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, Michael? What's up?" He wondered in a concerning tone.

"What exactly happened when she fainted?" I asked.

"Well, she was walking around the room, and she was nervous about going on stage to tell everyone.. you know. I was watching her pace back and forth, and suddenly she just dropped and became unconscious.." He shrugged, also not knowing exactly why she fainted.

"Do you think it's something serious? Is it really bad?" I sighed, not sure of what was going on with Desiree.

"I'm not sure. It just seemed to be because of stress, but I have no idea what exactly it could have been. I guess we'll find out soon," he shrugged, looking at me with a blank face. I wasn't sure of what else to say.

"Okay," I choked out. I didn't want anything bad to happen to Desiree. What would we tell the other boys in her band and the boys in mine? It should be obvious now that we're dating, but I wasn't sure if they understood quite yet.

About ten minutes later, a doctor came out to tell us that they'd figured out what happened and that Desiree was conscious.

"She's completely fine. She was just worried and she was putting too much pressure on herself, so much that she just collapsed. She doesn't have any bruising or damage from her fall and there is nothing wrong with her. You're very lucky," the doctor smiled at me and her four bandmates.

"May we see her?" Charlie asked.

"Of course. Let me lead you to her room," he nodded, beginning to walk down the long, bright-white corridors of the hospital.

The five of us followed him, eager to see how Desiree was doing. I couldn't wait to hug her and kiss her because I know she's alright. Even though nothing bad happened to her, I was still completely shocked by what happened.

When we got to Desiree's room, I ran to her and kissed her. When I pulled away, she smiled at me before kissing me again. I stood up from crouching beside her before turning around towards her bandmates. Charlie, Jonah, and Dawson were standing there, completely confused.

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