Fixing The Scatter {22}

Start from the beginning

Staz nodded, looking pleased that I understood. I looked around and spotted his family just a little ways away talking with another couple. His brothers and parents were dressed as neatly as Staz, but they hadn't messed up their clothes with nerves.

"Sometimes I forget how talented you are," I said, eyeing his art again. "These are incredible, Staz."

"Thanks," he said, playing with his tie again.

His family came over to us and his parents both forced smiles for me. They seemed to slowly be adjusting to the relationship, but I could always tell how nervous they were when I was around Staz.

"Hi Jude," Mrs. Montgomery said.

"Hi Mrs. Montgomery. Hi Mr. Montgomery." I nodded a greeting to Nero and Ian.

"Holy sh- Is that...?" Nero's voice was choked and disbelieving as his eyes moved past me.

The faces of every Montgomery member except for Staz suddenly paled as they all looked past me. Staz just stared with disbelieving, uncomprehending eyes. I mentally sighed as I turned, already knowing who I'd see.

Although I stopped as I spotted Dante. Damn, the guy was pretty attractive, I'd give him that. He walked towards us with an easy confidence that he'd clearly gained from years of learning to love himself. He was dressed in in a nice shirt that hugged his figure right and jeans that somehow managed to look formal despite being just jeans. His hair was neatly styled and he looked at his family with the air of someone who knew they were trouble and enjoyed it.

"Dante," Mrs. Montgomery said, surprising me with the amount of anger in her voice. "What are you doing here? How did you know?"

"The internet is a fascinating invention," Dante said, words lazy. He looked at Staz and gave a genuine smile. "Hey, Stazzy."

Staz just stared blankly at Dante for a few moments. "I don't understand," he said at last.

Dante, to his credit, didn't even glance at me. "I wanted to see your art."

"Why?" Staz asked, pressing his thumbs in his palms. "Mom and dad said..."

"Staz," his mother said sharply.

Dante waved a dismissive hand at her. "Quit trying to cover your tracks. I already know you told Staz that I don't care about him, that I picked drugs over him, that I was done with him." He moved past his family to Staz and gave him that genuine smile again. "Staz, I'm sorry I haven't been around much. But I really wanted to see your art today. Is that okay with you?"

Staz nodded slowly. He pointed at the sketchy drawing of flames and violent colors. Dante eyed it and pointed to a burgundy colored flame.

"Me?" he guessed, and Staz nodded.

"Staz, can you throw this out for me?" Mr. Montgomery asked, handing Staz a mint wrapper.

Staz nodded and obediently went off in search of a trash can. Mr. Montgomery whirled to face his son, desperate and angry.

"You shouldn't be here. We told you to stay away from Staz. Dante, are you trying to hurt your brother?" he demanded.

"Hurt Staz? Almost like you did when you told him that I didn't care about him?" Dante asked in fake surprise. "God forbid I be that shitty of a human being."

Fixing The Scatter [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now