For your Protection

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For your protection

"Stephanie! Stephanie!" Jayce's voice was in my head. In my dream. He sounded closer than he really was.

My eyes fluttered open to my bedroom. The sunlight made shadows across the floor. The voice stopped. Silence filled the house. I rolled over to my otherside and tried to close my eyes again. Too late. I was already awake.

"Stephanie!" I heard the voice again. Then that's when I realized that the voice was real. I quickly got out of bed and ran down the hall. The image of Jayce and a dark, unknown figure were standing across from each other. Jayce's fists balled tight, they turned ghostly white. His eyes narrowed at the figure. The figure stood silently in its black attire. Scarf, gloves, heavy coat, hat, sunglasses and all.

"Jayce! No, don't! He's a friend!" I grabbed his fist and held it. I looked into his eyes and nodded. He took a step back to let me stand in front of him.

The figure removed its scarf that was covering its mouth, revealing pale, thin lips. Next came the skull cap. Black, glossy hair was underneath it. My eyes widened when I realized who it was. The sunglasses came off and purplish blue eyes, almost indigo sparked my memory. I blinked a few times, trying to make sure this was real.

"JT? What are you doing here?"

He leaned into to my ear. "Steph, I need to talk to you."

I turned to face Jayce who was still staring at him. I placed one hand under his chin and lifted up his face to meet mine. I could feel his jaw flexing.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. Go." I said, my voice sweet and innocent. Without words, he turned and walked back up the winding staircase. I sighed.

"He acts like he owns the place." he whispered.

JT's face was pale. Whiter than usual. His eyes were swallowed by purple circles, his lips were dry, and his fangs were straight and human. He looked like he hadn't eaten in days.

"What is it?"

"I need to talk to you about Lily." he whispered.

We sat on the sofa. "I know. Logan told me that she's missing."

"There's alot more to the story than you think." he said.

"Please JT, if you know something we don't, you have to tell us."

He hesitated for a moment. "My baby girl isn't taking it very well."

"I bet. Tell me what happened. Everything you remember."

He frowned hard, making crease lines in his forehead. "Remember when I told Colleen that I was in my dorm getting dressed? I lied. I was with Lily the night she disappeared."

"What happened to her?"

He was silent.

"Dammit JT, what happened to her?"

"She was attacked."

I gasped.

"By the smell of it, it was a vampire that attacked her."

"What did you do with her-body." I choked on the word.

"I didn't throw her in the river if that's what you mean. I just simply saved her."

My eyes widened. "How?"

"She drank my blood."

"I'm guessing you took what I told you about the vampires."

"Yep. She was so bloodied and cut, I couldn't control myself. It smelled so damn good."

I held his icy hand. "You don't have to tell me. I understand. You did what you had to do. You saved Lily's life."

The Crying Wolf Chronicles: Forbidden (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now