"No." He stated firmly, taking me by surprise. "Yes, there's something I wanted to say to you. I've made up my mind."

I narrowed my eyes. Will innocent people survive the destruction that The Shadow-Controller had prophesied if he chose 'no'? My mind spun in excitable panic.

I wondered if Gray knew about the dark threat in the omens from The Shadow-controller---the "shadow" that it had warned me of. My neck hairs prickled with dread, there was some comfort in knowing that Gray is always going to be by my side no matter what, and I would have my mate to rely on, with whatever lay ahead. I bit my lip again, wishing that I could just enjoy Gray's presence and warmth for a few moments.

"Whether I chose yes or no, I need you to know," Gray started gently, briefly pressing himself closer onto my shoulder. My heart pounded. "I will always love you."

I could explode right at that moment, but I recalled his first few dreading words, and I swallowed all my happiness and told myself that I shouldn't be too happy yet.

"Natsu!" Gray hailed him as I started to blank out, seeing stars at the corners of my eyes. "Are you alright?" He  drew closer, his eyes narrowed in concern. I forced myself to nod, and smile wearily.

I pressed swiftly against his shoulder. I felt a pang of worry that my raven mate seemed so torn, and I tried to comfort him. "I'm alright--- but are you? You needed more concern than I do you know." He shrugged. "I'm fine. Now, back onto our talking."

Never had my world crumble down up to this point. I held my breath, not having the courage to look at him in the eyes, and I stared down at the floor, kidding it lightly. I forced all my words out in a cheery voice. "So, what is it?"

"I'll change for the better future."

My breathing stopped. Did I just hear right? Did he really said that? I snapped my head up at him, my eyes widening. He smiled at my bewilderment, and then he embraced me tightly. I welcomed all the warmth overflowing, and my face hurts from smiling. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and leaned in, breathing in the sweet and soothing scent he has. "Do you really mean that?" I now it's wrong for me to doubt my mate, but I needed to be sure so that I know he isn't pulling my leg.

"I swear to anything you hold sacred and precious to you. I really want to change, for you. You're the little ray of sun that brightens up my days, and you're the light that burns away all my cold. You're like my shining star. I felt safe with you here."

My heart thundered, blood roaring in my ears. My lips tugged widely. No words could express how happy I am now.

I opened my eyes, and noticed one pair of eyes staring at me. They're red and fiery. I recognize this specific pair of eyes. It's none other than the Shadow-controller. But, this time, it's different. I can no longer see anger and sorrow raw in them, but something else. I squinted harder, and those eyes began to fade, blinking at me. Realization stung me like a fire ant, and I muted a gasp. Those shining, red eyes reflected happiness. I guess it must be happy because Gray chose to change. It must be worried like I am for the last few weeks. It blinked at me gratefully for the last time, before they faded away.

Drowsiness swarmed around me, and I blinked in confusion. Exhaustion washed out all my new found energy, and my eyelids were beginning to become heavy, hardly able to keep them open anymore. Closing my tired eyes, I lauched myself into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.


I am standing in a floating world of white. Thick, white fog covered the entire land like a huge blanket. I felt nervousness poke at me. Why am I back here? I thought I already finish my mission and quest?

A stream of light shone brightly, cutting through the never ending fog. I turned around, and my nose caught the scent of Lucy, my long-dead sister. My eyes started to water, and I shouted for her name. The answer came, not by sight, but by sound. It came from all sides.

"Thank you, Natsu." My sister's voice is combined by the other Lost Stars, so they all melted into a single, powerful voice, all raised in harmony. I feel my lips smiling, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth seeping into my body. Wait, where did that music came from...?


I woke up, my eyes looking straight into the back of a unfamiliar person. I could hear my voice croak out, asking him what's his name and who is he. He didn't turn around, but murmured something sluggishly. I only caught a few words, but I gasped at them.

"Hello? How are you?"

"Are you okay?"

"Natsu? That's a nice name."

"My name is..."

I remembered this is a dream I had once before, but just before he said his name, I woke up. But now, it's different. The atmosphere tasted different. I still didn't wake up now unlike last time. My heart pounded. Is he going to reveal his name?

"My name is..."

He turned around. He had black hair, red and fiery eyes raw with mixed emotions. His lips tugged upwards at the sight of me and it was not long before I closed my eyes again.


I woke up, for real this time and I felt a heavy weight beside me. I twisted around, and saw Gray settled beside me. The sight of him made my heart flutter, and my lips to curve upwards.

A ghostly voice echoed in my mind, and I instinctively closed my eyes, and see darkness surrounds me.

"My name is..."

I jolted.

"My name is... Rogue."

Hey guys...I know, I haven't been updating much, and I tried to make this chapter long and satisfying for you guys who enjoyed this book, and thank you for voting and commenting.

Sadly, this chapter is the second last chapter of this book already, and I really, really feel sad yet triumph that I had finished yet another book.

But yeah, vote, comment, do whatever you want to do here!

See you guys soon...I hope?

Stay tuned for the next update!

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