Chapter. I

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(Y/N) sat up, overwhelmed at how white the room she woke up in was, and at all the beeping going off around her.

"Ms.(L/N), you've woken up!" A young looking woman came to bed the (H/C) girl was resting in.

"... Yeah, I have..." The teenager was confused for a moment, until a train of memories hit her.

On (Y/N)'s eighteenth birthday her parents and herself were going down to a family exclusive birthday party, when a drunk driver hit them, instantly killing her father and her mother dying later, before any emergency workers could come.

While the girl herself hit her head rather hard, she had been fighting going unconscious, knowing the extremity of her situation, as soon as the sirens of an ambulance was close and loud, she fell asleep, which turned into a medically induced coma.

"Wai- so the past months at the manor was a dream?!"

"... I'm sorry?"

"When can I get out of here?"

The nurse went around the machines looking at their monitors, "Your vitals seem fine, so I'd guess in four to five hours."

(Y/N) nodded, "What exactly happened, after the... Accident?"

"Well, you fell into a coma, which had been medically induced to save your life."

"Oh... Well... That's a good... How many months of my life wasted?"

"Three and a half."


'She is surprisingly nonchalant about her parents' death...' The nurse thought, "I'll be back in a few hours, with confirmation when you will be discharged."

"Thank you."

"Of course. You have visitors waiting for you, shall I send them in?"

"... I suppose you can."

The nurse smiled and left the room, while she gathered her bearings.

'Okay, so, everything with Ciel and Sebastian was a coma dream? That's... Peculiar.' (Y/N) thought to therself, waiting for your apparent 'visitors'.

There was a knock on the door, to jolt the teen out of her thoughts. "Enter...?" (Y/N) called out, unsure on how to answer.

The door then open, revealing two familiar faces.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" The blondie said, cheerfully.

"Oh, um, hi... Alois?"

"No silly! I am-"

"Alois, stop being a nuisance, don't bother (Y/N) anymore, she just woke up."

"Ciel, you never let me do anything!"

"Everything you classify as 'anything' is ridiculous and likely dangerous."

"You're so boring!"

'I'm so confused... If everything at the manor was a dream, why are there two familiar faces from that dream here?'

(Y/N) stared at the two boys, "Um, so, you're not actually from Victorian Era, right?"

"I don't believe so..." Ciel said, looking at the (H/C) haired girl strangely. (A/N: So is just underlined because it was the 420th word)

"Nope, not at all!" Alois said, with a grin.

"Oh, okay, then." She said, with a sigh.

'I'm going to keep trying to bring stuff up from that dream and they'll both think I'm insane.'

"You're sure you're feeling alr- Ow! Excuse you!" Alois frowned, rubbing where Ciel had smacked his head.

"That was rude of you, Alois." Ciel said with a simple stare.

Oh- you, the reader, are probably confused why the pair are so buddy-buddy with each other. Well, sit down and listen, fuckers.

* * *

Once upon a time, in 2006, there was an eight year old Ciel playing in his yard with his cousin, Elizabeth. They were having a delightful time, if by 'they' you meant Elizabeth, as Ciel had a beautiful bonnet upon his head, in order to appear 'cute'. Lizzie and Ciel were distracted from the game Lizzie had chosen to play, by a large moving truck go by their house. They were both interested in who was coming by Ciel's house, and went to the edge of their gate to get a better look.

From Ciel's spot, he could tell that the truck had gone to a house across the street and a bit to the side, just a bit away from the beloved playground he visited frequently.

"Lizzie, let's go ask if we can go over to where the truck went!" The young child exclaimed, excitedly.

"Okay, that sounds fun, too... I guess!" The green eyed girl smiled, nodding.

The two had ran to their respective parents, Elizabeth's who had been visiting for tea, and asked permission to visit the new neighbours. Although hesitant, after being reassured that the house was only just across the street, both set of guardians had agreed to their womb-nugget's wish, and let them wander off.

Lizzie and Ciel had to be very thorough about crossing the street, and took about five minutes before actually going to the other side, due to cars being a twenty-five meters too close, making their child minds think they couldn't go. Once they had made the trip safely, and unscathed, the two walked over to the neighbours house, to find a boy taller than them, with platinum blonde hair, and ice blue eyes (A/N: I'd actually describe them as electric blue, but the wiki says ice).

"Hello! I'm Elizabeth Midford, but call me Lizzie, this is Ciel Phantomhive, he's your neighbour who are you?" Lizzie smiled, excitedly.

Alois didn't blink an eye at the enthusiasm shown by the girl, but seemed a bit thrown off by the fact they approached him, though he did well at hiding it, and replied with the same amount of enthusiasm, "I'm Alois Trancy, but you can call me 'Your Highness'."

Ciel raised an eyebrow at his outright display of the child, disliking the first impression. "We're not calling you that."

Alois just laughed, "I didn't actually expect you to, silly!"

"Ignore him, he's grumpy if he doesn't approve of something." Lizzie said, flicking Ciel on the forehead.

"I do not!"

"You definitely do." Alois chimed in.

Ciel pouted, not liking he was being proved wrong and didn't talk much more for the rest of Lizzie and Alois' conversation, unless defending himself, ("-Lizzie! It was fair that I through a stone at him! He was being mean!")

Although the first impressions weren't too great, throughout the years, Alois, Ciel and Lizzie became quite good friends, and had dated each other a few times, before deciding they weren't meant to be (Ciel x Lizzie, Lizzie x Alois, Alois x Ciel).

* * *

Do you feel educated now?


A/N: Hello my lovely readers! I am sorry about not updating in forever, but stuff has been happening! I would like to thank everyone for the success of Debt, and all the follows, and also want to promo my new YouTube channel! I'm Toasted Bean,and the link is in my profile!

I don't know how this is going to go, so I'm just going to pick a random number for the goals.

Vote goal: 25

Comment goal: 15

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