The Bathroom Stall|Note Fifty-One

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Note Fifty-One

Dear Bathroom Stall,

I feel like such a loser. I don't have a date to Homecoming yet, and the dance is two weeks away. I have a crush on this guy... should I ask him to Homecoming? I mean, you're not supposed to do that, right?


The note scrawled on the upper corner of the door made me pause and reflect back on the strange Homecoming ask I had received a while back; I wouldn't have called the random guy asking 'Carrie' to Homecoming as typical, rather opposite.

Why exactly had he spent thirty bucks on a bouquet of flowers to ask me, whom he didn't even know?

Before I could dwell on that question, the door to the bathroom slammed open and a couple of giggles floated in, accompanied by a pattering of feet.


It was three thirty, forty five minutes after class had ended. What were they doing in here?

Like a badass ninja, thanks to my Asian genes, I leapt ungracefully onto the seat of the toilet, praying that the out of service sign was still up on front of the bathroom stall door, and that none of the girls would be seeking advice from the door. I winced when my elbow knocked into the empty toilet dispenser, pain radiating up my arm.

I must have been in that awkward position for five minutes as one girl peed in the first stall and the rest just talked and laughed in front of the sinks. What was up with girls and having to go to the bathroom in groups?

I tensed up as one of the girls came precariously close to the stall, her silver Ugg boots visible under the door. Shit, shit, shit.

"Hey, isn't this the door where people leave relationship notes?" Someone asked as they stopped in front of the door and tried to open the door. Thank god I had locked it before they had come in.

"Yeah, something like that. Can we go? I really need food. And it smells like ass in here." Another girl muttered.

A collective agreement ran through the group, and a second later, they clattered out of the bathroom. I managed a sigh of relief, then froze as I felt something wet run down my elbow. Looking down, I nearly fainted as I saw my blood gushing out of a new cut on my arm.

Oh god. Girl Dies In Bathroom From Tetanus After Cutting Herself On A Rusty Toilet Dispenser. How classic. 

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