Chapter 9

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The mission was to defeat a dark Guild (I made it up), Shadow Devil. Of course Natsu got motion sickness. Lisanna and I giggled. When we got there there were a bunch of members of the dark guild, Shadow Devil. I took out my sword that Erza gave me for my birthday. (Yah your weapon will be a sword) and got into a fighting position. One of their members came up and me. "Elemental Dragon: ROAR" The member yelled. "Open Gate Of The golden Ram: Aries" I yelled. Aries blocked the attack with a pink fluff ball. "Thank you Aries" I told her nicely. Aries gave a shy smile. And then a (m/c) (magic color) glow surrounded Aries and made her dissappear. Then I turned to see Lisanna doing an animal take over. "Animal Takeover: Cheetah" Lisanna yelled and attacked our enemy. After all their Guild members were defeated Natsu and I attacked their Guild Master, Yutaka. Yutaka is an Ice mage like Gray, so Natsu defeated him easily. Lisanna was not that hurt not Natsu and I weren't that hurt either. So we went to the client, Michelle and claimed our reward. We all split the Jewels. Some for Happy to be able to afford his daily fish. We each received 5000 jewels each. We returned to the guild and sat down at an empty table. Natsu, Lisanna, and I started to talk, then Lucy came and sat down next to me. I smiled at Lucy and Lucy smiled back. "Oi, (Name) can I talk to you for a second" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Gajeel asking me to talk to him. I followed him to the Sola Tree. So what do you want to talk about Gajeel" I said. "Um... I need your help... I kinda Like Levy and I was wondering if you could help me ask her on a date. I will understand if you don't want to" Gajeel said. I smiled warmly at him. "Of course I will help you I want to help Nakama out" I said smiling. Then we both walked to the guild discussing about what he could do for Levy. "Well you can give her a rose and take her to her favorite  restaurant" I told him. "Ok I will try. Thanks (Name)" Gajeel said. "It's noting Gajeel I just want to help a friend out"  I said. I walked into the guild and saw that everything was going fine. (I was thinking that what could happen was that every time when Natsu and Gray fight Erza could make them wear the make along shirt so that's what I'm gonna do) Natsu and Gray were wearing 'the get along shirt', Cana was drinking a huge barrel of booze, Elfman was yelling 'be a man!', Lucy was talking to Mirajane, Lisanna was sitting at a table using her phone.

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