Chapter Seven.

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Ella's POV

"Carter, stop!" I said through giggles, as he ticked me on the couch before we had to go to school.

I tried pushing him off, but he pulled me with him and I ended up on top of him, both of us laughing so hard we couldn't breathe.

Just as I was about to get off of him, Harry walked through the door and saw the awkward position we were in. Me and Carter controlled out laughter before I stood up and fixed my clothes, flattening out my hair before greeting Harry as politely as I could.

"I thought you cancelled for this morning." I said.

"Yeah, I did. I was...busy. But, I just wanted to know if you needed a ride. But, obviously not." Harry said, scratching the back of his neck and turning to walk back out the door.

"What's up with you two and awkward moments?" Carter said behind me. I shrugged and grabbed my bag before Carter drove us to school.


"Ella." Harry whispered beside me in the lab.

I looked over at him, waiting for an answer.

"About this morning..." He started.

"What about it?"

"Are you and Carter...You know, dating?" He asked me and I had to put my hand over my mouth before I laughed in front of the whole class, but quickly contained myself as I answered.

"What's it to you?" I snapped. "And for the record, no he's not my boyfriend." I added, leaving out the part of Carter being gay.

"Remind me never to be nice to you again." Harry mumbled rudely.

I rolled my eyes before sarcastically responding. "Don't be nice to me again." I gave him a sarcastic smile before turning back to the teacher and listening to her next instructions for the project.

"You now have an extra two weeks to work on your project because of the additions I added to it. If you need any extra time, please see me because I am going to be fairly lenient on this turn in date." She said and I groaned. I know me and Harry can finish in two weeks so I won't have to worry about that.

I looked over at Harry who had just raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Styles?"

"Me and Ella need longer than two weeks." Harry said. What?! No we don't. Please say no, please say no, please say-

"That's fine. Take as long as you need." She smiled and I groaned. We didn't need that much time. I wish she wasn't so nice sometimes.

"What the hell, Harry?" I whisper-yelled to Harry.

"What?" He said.

"We didn't need that long!" I complained and he smirked, rolling his eyes and not answering.

After class, I rushed out since it was my last class to find Carter. I finally found him near his car, with Tyler.

"Hey Carter." I smiled, kissing his cheek as he wrapped his arm around me and returned a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, El. How was class?" He said, ignoring Tyler and turning to me. Ha, that's what you get Tyler for making assumptions.

"Stupid. I have to work with Harry even longer now." I said.

"Well, it will get-"

"Ella!" Harry called me as he walked towards me. I huffed and rolled my eyes, turning back to him.

"Speak of the devil." I murmured under my breath before approaching Harry.

"What now, Harry?" I said.

"Need a ride?" He asked.

"No. Is this all you needed?" I asked.

"No." He said.

I huffed and waited for his response.

"I need you." He said, and I laughed.

"Go find another girl to mess with. Stop lying, and whoever is behind your car that I can see videotaping? You don't have anything to show because this was the dumbest thing you have ever tried to pull. Have a nice day, Harry." I said. Harry put his head down, probably in embarrassment, before I started walking towards his car where I could clearly see Liam videotaping the whole thing with his iPhone.

I smirked and turned around.

"Oh, and Harry?" I said. He lifted his head up to face me and I walked closer. By now, I was so close our noses were brushing, we were literally inches apart.

"I need you too, Harry. I've loved you for all this time." I said loudly making sure the camera could hear it.

"Now there's a show." I said, smiling, before pretending to bow before walking away, pushing past the crowd that was made, probably by my yelling.

I walked back to Carter who was laughing, trying to catch his breath.

"Ella, I can't believe you did that. That is so not like you." He said, still slightly laughing.

"It pissed me off. First he messes with you, and then me. Not gonna happen. Are you going with Tyler?" I asked him and he slightly nodded. I murmured and okay before telling him goodbye.

"Bye Tyler." I said and he just stood there, literally staring at me without saying a word. Weird.

I walked off the school grounds with my books in hand. I should probably go to Harry's house, but I'm too pissed off right now to even think about him. What he tried to do was ridiculous, and I knew that if I hadn't of seen Liam then I would have been humiliated. And I also knew, that if I didn't go off on him then I probably would have cried.

I played with a piece of my long, brown hair as I walked down the street to my house. I really need to get a job to buy a car but I know that the last time I tried getting a job, I was fired because of how clumsy I am. Ever since then I've just rode with Carter but now he's with Tyler so I don't really have a choice but to walk.

Just then, Harry's familiar black car approached me and I rolled my eyes as I turned back to where I was going.

"Ella." Harry's voice said beside me. He was driving as slow as I was walking as he always does, but I kept ignoring him as he yelled my name.

I sprinted home, finally getting away and inside my house, locking it behind me and sliding down the door, bringing my knees to my chest. I don't know why but I started crying, I guess I was so overwhelmed I just, I don't know.

Someone was banging on the door as I sat there, and I finally got up to see who it was. Harry. I rolled my eyes and opened the door, sniffling and wiping away most of the tears before looking at him.

"Ella, you need to listen to me-" Harry started and I interrupted him.

"Listen to you?! What were you going to do if I had fallen for that Harry. Show it to the whole school, put it online? What you did, or tried to do, was completely uncalled for and you knew all too well I would have been humiliated. That's not okay. I'll still do the project with you and I will still tutor, but don't even think about doing anything else. Because I will tell everyone you have to hang out with me and then you could see what people would do to your reputation." I said in a harsh tone. I slammed the door in his face and went back to my room, doing the homework I had and studying before I fell asleep.


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