She hugs me and leans her head on my shoulder. My arms go around her waist and on her back. "I'll miss you, though," she whispers.

"I'll miss you more, Jessica," I kiss the top of her head and we stay like that for a while before a knock interrupts us. 




After Mark has left the room, I try to compose myself as I put on my clothes and look for the phone Lei told me about. I find it at the bottom drawer in the closet where he used to keep his drugs. The only numbers stored there is his number, the lawyer's and my old number. 

I press the call button beside the lawyer's number and wait for the other line to pick up. 

"Hello, Lei?" A man answers. 

"Uhmm... This is Jessica Ah-Cy Zhao," I tell him. 

"Jess," he says my name as if we've known each other for years. "I'm expecting for you to call. How's Lei?"

"He's still in the hospital," I inform him. "He told me to call you, but I'm really not sure why." 

"Where are you?" 

"In his house."

"I'll be there in..." he pauses, "an hour." 


Once he hangs up, I call Lei's number. 

"Jess," he seems happy to hear from me, "you talked to the lawyer?"

"He's coming here in an hour. How are you? Are they still there?" I'm still worried. I can't wait to hear what his dad had to say. 

"Jess. Listen..." he pauses and I hear a girl's voice in the background. 

'I'll wait outside,' the voice says.  Lisa? It sounds like her. Could they still be in the hospital? My palms are sweating with nervousness. What's happening?

"Lei, what's happening?" I hear a door in his side closing. 

"You're ok there, right? You're safe, aren't you?" 

"Lei...what's going on?" His questions make me even more concerned. 

"I'm ok, Jess. I'm gonna be ok. Don't worry about me. Just...listen...." I hear him take a deep breath, "I'm marrying Lisa." So, it really was Lisa's voice I heard earlier. 

"Wait....what? don't have to. We talked about this..." What is he saying? I just heard him say he loves me before I left the hospital. What happened when I was gone? How did his dad force him to do this? Can Lisa take care of him? 

"Jess...." he stops my trail of thoughts, "I'm fine with it. I's for the best. I'm ..... setting you free," I hear his voice croak. 

"No...Lei...don't do this. What?" I hear my own voice crack as well. 

"Wait for the lawyer. He'll explain everything." He takes another deep breath. "I want you to be happy." 

"Lei, I'm going there." What the heck is he saying? Is he on drugs again?

"No," his voice gets a bit louder. "No," softer this time, "this is my decision, Jess. I'm breaking our engagement and marrying Lisa. Please...worry about yourself. Mark is there. I know you love him and he feels the same way."



"I'll come visit you." I tell him, knowing there's nothing else I can do. Part of me is happy that I'm finally able to free my conscience. But, there is still a part inside that wants me to take care of Lei. 

"You promise?" I can just imagine his lips turning up into a smile.

"I promise," my uncontrollable tears flow down my cheeks as I hang up. 



What did I just see? 

I try to control the anger boiling deep inside me. baby....the girl I try so hard to covered in black and blue and yellow marks. It's a sight I can't even imagine even if I saw it with my own two eyes. How can such a delicate girl be hurt that much? When GD told us last time that Lei's been hurting her, I didn't expect it to be that bad. 

I feel my tears fall down and my knuckles whiten. 

I lay on her bed and let my anger subside. I hear her talking on the phone in the other room, but I can't make out what she's saying. I bet she's talking to him. That guy...the one who gave her all those bruises...the boy who she still cares about after what he's done to her. 

A fist is clenching my heart and it hurts...real bad. 

No matter what happens, whatever she decides, I will stay by her side. Even if she pushes me away....I don't want to see her be hurt like that by that man...if he's even human. How can he? I thought he said he loves her. How can he do such a horrible thing?

My anger still lingers even when I close my eyes to sleep. And when I wake up, I still feel the ire burning inside. 

I get out of bed and decide to just walk this off. As I pass the room she's in, I hear voices inside. The door is slightly open so I take a peek. 

"I'll miss you more, Jessica," GD's arms are around her and hers are around him. I see him kiss the top of her head and they just hug each other. My heart drops ten floors down. 

I can't help myself. I knock and clear my throat. 

GD's glare looks like it could kill. I stare back, showing I'm not backing out. He finally lets go of her and I can see tears in her eyes. 

"Take care of her, Tuan!" He says with conviction in his voice. He squeezes my shoulder before going out the door and slamming it behind him. 

Does it mean he's out? Why does that make me happy? 

"You're still cute when you're jealous." Jess walks towards me, wiping her tears and smiling. She wraps her arms around my waist and tiptoes to give me a peck on the cheek. 

Wait....what's this? What does this mean? She's back to her old self. Teasing and joking me like that. A grin surfaces on my face. I pick her up, carrying her in my arms and lean forward to meet her lips. 



Everybody's happy.....Last chapter coming up in a while. 

I hope you loved this book. 


The song above is a song from Lei to Jess. 


I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن