Part 3

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I woke up the next morning and took a shower than got dressed (pic on the side) I went to the grill just to hangout there since there was nowhere else to really go than a voice interrupted my thinking "what's s pretty lady like you sitting here by herself" a guy with Raven black hair and blue eyes "Just hanging out here since I got nothing better to do,what about you" I said "Cool so what's your name, Mine is Damon Salvitore"

I woke up the next morning and took a shower than got dressed (pic on the side) I went to the grill just to hangout there since there was nowhere else to really go than a voice interrupted my thinking "what's s pretty lady like you sitting here by...

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"Are you by any chance related to Stefan Salvitore" "Yeah he's my littler brother" "Well my name is Ariana Mikelson" I said and his eyes widened and he said "Well I have to go nice meeting you Ariana" "You too Damion" and with that he left.

Time Skip

I was at home laying on my bed thinking about what happened at the grill. He acted just like Stefan when he heard my name. So I did the one thing I despised more then being daggered, I went to see my big brother.

*knock knock*

The door opened and there stood Niklaus smirking as usual, "Niklaus who are the Salvitore's" his smirk fell and he grabbed me and pinned me to a wall by my throat . "How do you know the Salvitore's" he growled, "I met them both and when I said my name it's like they had seen a ghost" "Because they despise me for trying to kill them and their precious doppelganger" he sneered and let go of my neck, "What doppelganger" "Elena Gilbert is the doppelganger of Katerina Petrova" he said and I growled when he said that name "Why did u try to kill them?" "Because I need her blood to make hybrids" he said, I rolled my eyes, everything is always about his precious hybrids and said "Well whatever Niklaus I'm leaving and don't worry I won't go near them or hurt their precious Gilbert doppelganger" I walked out of the mansion and went home on a Flash.

I took and shower and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth than put on my pjs.

Then crawled into bed, I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes in hope tomorrow won't be filled with so much drama

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Then crawled into bed, I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes in hope tomorrow won't be filled with so much drama.

I felt a pain in my neck and I woke up to see the Salvitore brothers and the bitch doppelganger. Darkness then consumed me.


Hope you like this and sorry again for the short chapters in having trouble thinking of ideas of what to make but I hope you like it👍🏻😊

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