The Touchy Side Of Harry (part 11)

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As soon as you get to the hospitial they rush you into the room. Harry wasn't aloud back there. "Get the doctor, stat." The nurse yelled. The doctor comes in minutes later, cleaning you giant cut. Trying to stop the bleeding, but is failing. "She's cut to deep, someone get the kit." but it's to late. You stop breathing, stop moving, stop living. You're lifeless body was laying on the strecher. Harry rushes in,"How is she?" "She didn't make it.." the doctor says in saddness. "NO!  WHY ME? I DID THIS TO HER.!" Harry screams. All the nurses and doctors leave the room, to let you two be alone, for the last time. He comes over there, touching your lifeless body. Kissing your sweet lips one last time. "Baby, please come back.." he says. "I got this for you." he smiles, holding out a ring. "It's a promsie ring, i got it for you love." he cries out. The doctors ask him to leave the room, so they can clean up, when all of a sudden..

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