The first night of Enderman

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(There wil be three nights of Enderman. And the fight will be long)
I woke up at looking at the stars. I stood up. Everyone else was asleep. I started the fire. Then I heard something in the bushes. I got my sword and walked to the bush. Then am ender man popped out. It tried to bite my face. But I got it with my sword. It gave me an eye of ender. "That's one"Laurence laughed. I looked at him. "I could've had help"I smiled. "Yea but it looked like you got it"he said jokingly. Everyone started waking up and the people that needed to leave left. I was just by the fire. Garroth and Laurence were mining for the blocks and Travis was just gaurd. The I heard an explosion. "Just a creeper. We're OK"Laurence yelled. Then I heard Garroth laugh and Laurence yell something I never want to hear again. "So Aph. Any love life yet"Travis asked. "No"I answered. "Ever going to find it"he laughed. "Maybe"I smiled. "Well my love is with someone else. I'm just glad she's happy. "He smiled. "My love died with Zane"I looked down. "I know it's been hard. I know Paul(don't judge) was important to you and the boys. He was their father. But he would have wanted to you to be happy"he said. "I miss him"I smiled. "I miss my mom. She was my only family. But I got a new family. "He laughed. Then I heard the others come back. "How many did you guys get"I asked. "Only four. It's during day so we should get some sleep. Travis you and Kaitlynn have morning shift invade of any spiders ,or creepers. "Jeffery said. We all agreed. Garroth and Laurence came back up with all the stuff to make the blocks. In a few days we will help you Aaron.


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