~Chapter Three~

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(Klaus pov)

Why would Rebekah bring Elena to New Orleans. I will not let some little bitch stop my fun! I do admit I did truly love Elena. Then she left, now my humanity is off, Kol hasn't gotten to the point I am.

Right now, I am walking to my dear friend Marcel's house for a little fun. When I saw Marcel, he was talking to one of his vampires.

" Hello Marcel, anything new on our reports?" I asked

" Oh, yes we have, we caught a female vampire, she won't speak we have tortured her for about a week but won't speak. Would you like to go see her?" Marcel questioned

As we walked in the underground catacombs, I heard groans and screams. I heard the new vampire girl groaning and whispering something, I turn around with a smirk. My smirk fell when I saw what she looked like; there was blood splattered all over her body, the veins of starvation were starting to appear all over her body, then I saw werewolf venom pacing through her and she whispered for help. Then I realized who it was, it was Elena Gilbert...

(Kol Mikaelson)

Ever sense she has come back I have felt different, I am still angry at her. For months, I was depressed without her I found a distraction, sleeping with girls and drinking. People always ask if I miss her, and of course I do, trust me I don't want to. I kept thinking while then I realized what I was doing, I looked up and there was a crying little girl in the corner of the room, and I had my teeth in their mom's neck.

How could I have done that? What is wrong with me? those are questions I asked myself over and over, I walked over to the little girl. She was flinching in fear when I saw when she was crying. I bent down and tried to calm her down, then I remembered what I must do.

" Hello little girl, I would like you to tell me your name." I compelled her

" My name is Sarah Young, please don't kill me!!" she yelled

" I would never do that, and here is what I want you to do. Sarah, I need you to forget what you just saw, you will think your mom was attacked by a wolf. I saved you from this horrible beast, now I am going to take you to a good person who can take care of you." I said calmly

I called Caroline and asked her to take Sarah in, Caroline of course agreed. Right now, I am taking Sarah to the airport so she could fly to Mystic Falls.

" Goodbye Mr. Kol, thanks again for saving me." she said while giving me a hug.

We said our goodbyes, I wonder were Sarah will be in a few years. I just hope she never remembers what I did to her family...


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