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"I can't believe you're showing your face to me. Again." I tried to keep a flat tone.

"I'm sorry," he replied, "I'm not following."

"You know what YOU did." I began to sprint. I know I wouldn't make it back to my Bronco.

I was pulled back and thrown into a tree. I didn't feel the pain until I hit the ground.

"Now," he dragged out the word, " Now I know what you mean."

I saw the black veins under his eyes pop up and his fangs as he stalked towards me. I grunted in pain as he picked me up and held me against the tree.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Vampire." I spat.

Luckily, I had a few vervain darts and extra stakes. I punched him in the jaw and pulled a stake from my pocket. Shoving the stake into his abdomen, he collapsed letting my body crumple to the ground.

"How'd you know?" He coughed.

"You killed my mother last year. Leaving me with nothing." I whispered in an angered tone.

"Oh. Yeah." He pulled the stake out and threw it at me, missing my arm. He then sped up to my now standing body. "Sorry about that. I never caught your name... Emily, Em.."

"Ask your bitch ELENA. She'll know. She's the one who torments me day in and day out. Along with perfect vampire Caroline and Witchy Voo-du Bonnie. Oh and don't forget the werewolf Dick Tyler. Ask them, maybe than you'll get my name."

I pushed past the vampire standing in awe. I grabbed my bag and went back to my Bronco.

As I got in, my hand was grabbed and I let out a small shriek.

"Relax. It's me." He told me.

"I still don't know your name, vampire. And why the hell would I relax?!"

"STOP WITH THE VAMPIRE. My name is Damon Salvatore." He reached out to shake my hand and I quickly took it and pulled my hand back.

"You ruined my life Damon. I'm living in an apartment with three jobs." I said quietly, "You, sir, are a dick."

"Ouch... Strong words there. But I'm sorry about your mom." He paused, bringing his hand over his heart, mocking sadness.

"It's not.. Oh wait it is your fault." I looked at him. "Shit! I'm going to be late!"

Broken [Damon Salvatore]Where stories live. Discover now