Chapter Two - Jesse Freakin' Garcia

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Puck Cainly

After a very long and unsuccessful attempt to assure my mother that I was neither gay, bisexual, or any other sexual besides hetero, I take a Tylenol and drag myself to bed.

       It had been a long night, apparently, because I'm asleep for hours before someone takes a flying leap onto my bed. 

     "PUCK!" My younger half-brother, Benvolio, or Benny, as he's called, screams at the top of his lungs. "MOM SAYS COME DOWN AND SAY HI TO THE NEW NEIGHBORS!"

       New neighbors? Well, that's surprising. The place next door is a total dump. My dad's been going crazy about it because people have started dumping their crap there.

       I groan and roll over, knocking Benny onto the ground. He hits the floor, hard, then pops right back up, his black hair messy and his cheeks flushed. He's seven years old and people just think he's the most adorable thing to have ever walked the planet.

       And even though he's not, I kind of have a soft spot for the kid. He's nice, sometimes. Not to mention the fact that he's like a babe magnet. I take him to the park and suddenly, we're surrounded.

     Oh right, I think bitterly. I don't need him anymore. Apparently, I'm attracting dudes now.

     "PUCK!" He screams directly in my ear.

     "Right, right, I'm up," I mutter, ignoring his happy expression. "What time is it?" I glance over at my window, which is partially blocked by a desk. There's still sunlight streaming through it. Good sign.

       When I look back over at Benny, he's looking down at the watch on his arm with an intense expression on his face. Why my parents decided to buy him a regular watch instead of a digital one, I will never know. "It''s..." I patiently wait for him to figure it out for another five minutes. He finally looks up, beaming proudly. "It's four o' five!"

     "Thanks, kid." I ruffle his hair affectionately and he grins. "Tell the bookworm I'll be down in in twenty."

     "Kay!" He runs out of my room, slamming the door shut behind him.

       I lay there for a few moments, then decide that I have to get up eventually. My mom, or "the bookworm" as we sometimes call her, is serious about being nice to people. Especially neighbors. She makes me go next door and help Mrs. Bailey with her yard every other Saturday. And sure, that old lady can make a hell of an lemonade, but still.

       I roll out of bed and walk over to my dresser to pull out a random pair of pants, boxers, and a shirt. After a quick shower and tooth brushing (because the inside of my mouth STILL tastes like ass scrapings) I go downstairs.

       What if there's a girl? I hadn't considered that before. I look down at the MCR tee and black jeans that I'm wearing and decide that I look okay.

       I hear laughing coming from the living room so I head there.

     "And he's alive," my dad crows. He's standing with an unfamiliar guy. The new neighbor, I guess.

     I've guessed correctly. My dad, John, turns to the big guy (he's really big, like, wrestler big) and says, "This is my son, Puck. Puck, this is Adam Garcia. He and his family have just moved in next door." 

     "Hi." I take his outstretched hand and shake it, the perfect gentleman.

     "I hear you've just come out of the closet." He smiles. "Congratulations."

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