Chapter 1:The Fight

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Angel's POV

Its Monday,Im here at my school,going to my classroom,when I suddenly I saw my Best Guy Friend,Mark.

I walk close to him and say, ''Hi Mark''.

He look at me and smiled,"Hi Angel,lets go to the classroom together".

''Ok'',I replied,and we walked together to the Classroom.

''So hows your weekend?'',I ask him.

''Its ok,I went to Lola's House, how about you?'',he ask me.

"It was great my Parents and I went to a Picnic and we bond together",I replied with a big smile in my face.

"Oh that's great,you love your parents so much,right?",he ask me.

"Of couse I love them very very much,and you know that right?",I said.

He chuckled "Of couse I know that,Im just testing-ing you",he replied.

Well thats weird.Never mind.That's the end of our conversation before entering to the classroom.

"Hi Angel",All My Classmates greeted me.

"Hi Guys",I wave my hand with a smile on my face.

(Lunch Time)

Im here at the Cafeteria with Mark after eating our lunch,Mark and I sit on our own chairs together and reading our lessons.

When were reading I take a look at the Entrance door of the Cafeteria then a group of boys are coming to the cafeteria they're 'gangsters' I think and they are all 5.I looked away when suddenly I saw that captain of a b*tch cheerleader.And her~~

"Hey Angel who are you looking at?",Mark interrupted then I went back to reality.

"Umm,Im just looking at the Group of Gangsters and my enemy",I replied.

"Oh Tiffany?,Just Dont look at her because I feel that your gonna fight each other again and you'll lose again.For the Seventh time and~",before he say something I cut him off.I don't wanna hear it.

"Lets just continue reading"

He nodded in response and continue reading.

In the middle of our Reading I hear a foot steps coming to our table.

"Well,well,well,what do we have here?",Tiffany ask.

"Theres no food here Tiffany,If you want food go to the Food Counter",I snap.

She and her members laugh,"Your such a jerk and by the way i dont need food to eat"

"Ok,if I once see you eating a food I will gonna say out loud that you break the promise for eating a food ,b*tch",I shout.

"What did you say!",she was about to slap me but Mark hold her wrist faster before she'll slaps me on the cheeks.

"Hey what do you think your doing?!",Mark Said.

"What do you think?Im going to slap her, move your hand away from me!",she yelled at Mark and she start wiggling her hand.

Before its starting to release Mark's hand I began attacking Tiffany and we layed on the floor together and were starting to grab each others hair and fight.

When were in the middle of the fight i heard a whistle,Maybe that is the coach.When the coach came to us he begin separating me and Tiffany.
After we separated...

"Lets go to the Principals Office  together ladies",The Coach said.

(Principals Office)

"I didnt do any~",Tiffany was about to apologize but the Principal cut her off.

"Yes you do,why do you always bully her.She dont do anything to you",the principals said.

"She did one sir she called me a b*tch at sinabunutan niya yung Buhok ko",Ang babaw -_-

The Principal looked at me then she look back again at Tiffany and sigh,"Ok Tiffany,sorry to say this but your out on the Cheerleader"

"What?!",she yelled in shock.

"Your out in the cheerleader and you'll be kicked out in this school for bullying Angel on the last of this month of July"

"But sir~"

"No but-ing",the Principal cut her off.

"Umm,Sir pls dont do that to her dont kick her out in the cheerleader and dont kick her out in this school",I begged him.

He look at me in shock,"Why?" Hindi sa ako naaawa sa kanya pero Trip ko lng.

"Please sir im begging you and ako na lang ang i-kick out niyo at hindi siya"

"I dont want you to leave in this school Angel because your always in Top 1 at sa lahat ang bait mo dito sa school~"

"Pls Principal ako na lang at para ito ang ikakabuti natin...Ako. ayaw ko ng gulo at away dito sa school kaya ako na lang ang makikick out",I cut him off.

He sigh~


Sorry this Chapter is Short. I hope you read my Story till the End

This Chapter is Sucks

Thanks for reading

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