Chapter 2

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My head was pounding. I forgot how much I hated fainting. I hadn't had a fainting spell since the accident. It was so embarrassing.

"Mama, the doctor said she would wake by now." Albert said brokenly.

"Albie, my darling, she'll be alright. She always is." Mama whispered. "I'm more certain of Abby's situation that Katrina's at the moment." I heard the bedroom door open loudly, someone huffing and puffing.

"She's not progressing, Mother. The doctor doesn't know what to do." I heard Henry rush. "What do we do?"

"Pray." Grandmother whispered. What was happening? I forced myself to open my eyes, no matter the pain in my head.

"Why... must we... pray?" I whispered, my hands coming to my head.

"Abby!" Albert sighed, gathering me close to him. "Thank god you are alright."

"Kat, where is Kat?" I whispered, turning my head towards the door.

"In labor. I must go back." Henry said, running back out the door.

"Take me to Kat." I whispered. "I need to see her."

"Mama, say no. She must rest." Albert argued. "She is not well enough—" The door opened, interrupting Albert. The thief from the night I collapsed entered my room, his shirt stained red.

"Lady Katrina is requesting her mother and sister, Lady Goddard." The man said, looking towards the bed.

"Thank you, Mr. Gray. Would you please assist Lord Albert in carrying Lady Abigail?" Mama said, rising from her seat. The man came over to my bed and slid his hands under my body.

"I apologize for any discomfort, My Lady. You have been unconscious for a few days." Mr. Gray said, allowing Albert to adjust the blankets around me. "Your sister gave your doctor and I a fright. We have spent days running back and forth between the two of you."

"What..." I paused to lick my dry lips. "What do you mean? Are you a doctor?"

"I was, in Her Majesties Army. I have since had trouble finding an employer, until your parents employed me as your personal physician and caretaker. When Lord Albert leaves for school, I shall assume his roles of caretaker and the role of your doctor when you fall ill." Mr. Gray explained.

"I do not need a caretaker. I am not an invalid." I hissed as we descended the stairs.

"Your brother warned me that you would say that." Mr. Gray said as he moved towards the back of the house. "Your mother is worried about your health. She believes that you over-exert yourself, especially when you are in pain. She is worried that the next time you go for a midnight snack, you may not be revived from a fainting spell."

I pursed my lips together. "It was not a fainting spell. The pain in my back was too much." Mr. Gray and I walked in silence to the small cottage. I could hear Katrina's screams the closer we got to the house. "Tell me she will live, Mr. Gray." I whispered, fisting my hands in the sheets.

"She will live, I promise." Mr. Gray lied. I smiled weakly as he reached the open front door. "Thank you for lying to me." I whispered to him.

"Anything for you, Madam." He said as he walked into Katrina's bedroom.

"Get her out!" Katrina screamed from her bed. "Darling, we are trying. She is in a peculiar position." Henry assured her.

"Doctor, do something!" Henry exclaimed. Mr. Gray rushed into the room and set me beside my sister. I took her hand in mine and let her squeeze it. Mr. Gray moved next to Doctor Sanders and bit his lip.

"She is coming out breeched." Mr. Gray breathed. "I suggest you make an incision here, sir, if you are comfortable with it." He said, indicating where to make the incision.

"Mr. Gray," I said softly. "Will this help deliver the baby safely? Will Kat survive?" Mr. Gray looked me in the eyes.

"I have done this once before; the mother lived." He said.

"What about the babe?" Henry asked, smoothing back Katrina's hair.

"The child didn't have a chance to begin with. He was born a few months too early." Mr. Gray rushed. "I have faith that your child will survive."

"Do it." Katrina commanded. Doctor Sanders gave Mr. Gray a wild look as my personal physician reached for a scalpel.

"Mr. Gray, I do not know how—"

"No offense Doctor Sanders, but I trust Mr. Gray at the moment." Katrina panted. She looked to her husband and kissed his knuckles. "Go tell our family to come to the cottage." She whispered softly. I scooted the best I could to sit behind Katrina's head as Mr. Gray searched for a bottle of hard liquor.

"Mr. Gray, there is a bottle under the bed." Katrina said. He smiled and reached for the bottle, giving it to m sister.

"It is the best we've got, My Lady." Mr. Gray said, his cheeks turning pink.

"This is not the first time I have been plied with bourbon." She said, ending her sentence with a grunt. "Just a moment!" He groaned as her contraction began. Mr. Gray looked flustered as he prepared for the incision.

"Mr. Gray," I called, looking him in the eyes. "I believe you can do this."

"Thank you, Lady Abigail." He said softly.

Adelaide and Alexandre were born nearly an hour later, pink and squishy in their mother's arms. Henry wad delighted to return to his wife alive and his children squawking. Mama was a proud grandmother, and Papa could not be happier. I could not take my eyes off of Mr. Gray. He was intriguing and knowledgeable. While I was grateful for what he has done, I was determined to get him a notable position as a doctor.






Hello lovelies!

So sorry I haven't updated in ages. I have been busy applying for scholarships, doing homework, college stuff, blah. 

I do have 2-3 weeks left of school before I sign out and graduate. I will still be busy, but I will try and update when I can.

Lots of Love,


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