{Chapter 1}

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What shall I do... 

I have Joe standing on a platform in front of me past the glass or I have Blake behind me... Do I turn around or go with Joe...

Shall I choose my dream over my home...

I have always wanted my little boy in my dream place but I have always wanted a boyfriend that would treat me right...

But I guess you can't have the best of both worlds...

I'm sorry Joe...

I turn around and begin to run out... 

I look back and see Joe standing where I was... 

I hear Joe call my name but I just cry and carry on running...

 I don't know if I made the right decision or not, what will my parents say... 

I just hope they see that I'm doing this for Blake... 

I love him but I also love Joe... 

I hope that Joe one day comes around and forgives me for all the mistakes I have made... 

Maybe Joe and I aren't meant to be, maybe this is the right thing to do...

If Joe and I are meant to be then one day he will come for me... We will meet again but for now I have to fight for my son... I love him...

I'm coming Blake!..

Goodbye's, Tear's and Family? - Joe Sugg FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now