VIII - Just a moment of Happiness !

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Sanyukta ran to her room as fast as she could and closed the door. She fell on her bed backwards and started to hum a random tune.

Vidushi banged the door "who closed it ?"

Sanyukta didn't react.

"Damn open !" She kicked the door

"Who's there?" Sanyukta called out dreamily

"Huh ? Warden " Vidushi said frustrated

"Coming" sanyukta got up, went to door and opened it

Vidushi came inside and threw her bag on her bed and reached for the water bottle .Sanyukta didn't close the door was glancing outside

"Who are you waiting for ?" Vidushi asked gulping the water

"Warden" she replied

"Why will she come here at this time ?" Vidushi put her water bottle aside

"She was the one who banged the door but you came inside. Strange" she said

"Arrey fool. It was me. No warden came. I said that" Vidushi said

"Oh" sanyukta walked to her bed and fell again

"Parth.. I hate him" Vidushi said

"Good" sanyukta said smiling

"Good ? What's good ?" Vidushi argued

"Hmm" she said

"We fought. That's not good. Do you think that's good ?". Vidushi asked

" absolutely " sanyukta said smiling

"What?" Vidushi asked shocked

"Sanyukta why are you smiling ? What's funny ? What are you saying ?" Vidushi walked to Sanyukta

"Randhir" sanyukta said dreamily

"What about Randhir now? " Vidhusi crossed her arms

"He's my Randhir"

"Your Randhir. That means.... Oh god! You both are in relationship" Vidushi exclaimed

"What ! No ! " sanyukta stood up


"He's my Randhir. I mean he's the same Randhir - my childhood Friend"

"You mean he's the one - small one.that's brilliant". Vidushi said

Sanyukta hugged Vidushi.

Next day everyone were packing bags. They were going back home. Sanyukta was upset. She didn't feel like going home. No one would be happy with her being in home. She slowly folded her clothes and was putting in her bag.

Her mobile beeped. Randhir's message.

" Meet me in Canteen."

Sanyukta ran to Canteen. Randhir was sitting there with a cup of coffee in his hand and mobile in other.

She was about to walk to him when she thought Randhir knew her. Yet he didn't say anything. If he knew he would have approached her. She didn't know his full name but he did. She assumed he did ! Perhaps he had forgotten her as it was long time ago.

She sighed. She had to check Now. She took a deep breath and walked to him and took a seat beside him.

"Vikas... Another coffee" Randhir called out to the waiter.

She smiled at him. He smiled back. She again smiled. He returned back a smile. She kept on smiling when he caught her hand all of a sudden and said "Where are you planning to go ? Home or Agra?"

"What's in Agra?" She asked.

"Mental Asylum" he said slowly

"What?" She snapped "You want me to go to Asylum?"
Here she was thinking that Randhir was asking her to go to Agra with him and watch the magnificent Taj mahal but he was scheming to send her to Asylum.

"Of course. Who smiles like that ?" He asked

"I do. Got a problem with that?" She hit him hard on his arms

"No"he said instantly " No at all. No problem. Peace " he faked a smile

"Better" she said and gulped her coffee

"I actually wanted to ask you something" she said slowly

"No I was joking. You are very sane to go to Asylum. Promise" he said immediately

"Not that stupid ! It's something else. When you were small did you have any friend ?"

"Hmm...No" he said
Small meant for him as teenage. He didn't have any friends in teenage. He just had one friend - his Sanyukta. Before he could start his topic on her ,he was cut down by her

"I mean what do you think of when you hear my name ?" She asked cautiously

"You. Your face" he replied

"My face ?"

"Yea. When you tell Apple ,I imagine a tasty red apple. The same way when I hear Sanyukta, I remember your face" he explained

"Damn you. I won't talk to you at all" she cursed and left leaving his confused

"Women!" He sighed.

When he heard 'Sanyukta' all he could remember was his Sanyukta. The four year old one with whom he played endlessly. But he didn't tell that Sanyukta. What if she would be hurt if he spoke about the other Sanyukta? She never knew about her. She thought she was the only one who is this close to him. What If he told her that someone knew him the best ? She would be jealous probably. That's what usually girls did. And what if sanyukta stopped talking to him ? Just the thing he couldn't handle - he didn't want another separation now.

After his separation with small Sanyukta. He couldn't afford the same with bigger one. His one and only friend. But not now, he had two friends, both sharing same name Sanyukta. Though he found strange similarities between them yet he couldn't connect the dots.


A/N - Please do me a favour - Vote, Comment and share. It really means a lot. It motivates me to write more.

And I have just published my new story on Sandhir - Incognito love. Please do read that also !

Hugs to all
Lots of love

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