The next morning

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"Cassidy get up... Get Danny up too!"
"Okay dad!"
I walked into my little brothers room and already it started to smell like him.
"Danny get up you've got school"
He woke up, I got ready and sat down at the table. I was wearing this checkered skirt with knee high sock my green haired wig a plain white shirt and a checkered bow tie. I sat down and took an apple that was placed on the table.
I ate it went up stairs and did my make-up then I went into Danny's room. He was in bed "Come on Danny get up".
I chucked some clothes at him and we left.
I put my shoes on and we caught the bus Trevor was their I shouted
"Trevor what you doing here?"
"Well your dad came to talk to my dad and told me all about you apparently you're in my class?"
"Am I?"
"I think so?"
"Aren't ya gonna introduce me Cass?"
"Oh yeah, sorry this is my little brother Danny?"
"Hi Danny nice to meet ya"
He put out his hand waiting for him to shake it. Danny took one stare at it and high five him.
We got on the bus and I had a bit of trouble.
"Don't sit there?"
"Why not?"
"Don't blame me if you get beat up?"
"Me? Get beat up?" I snickered
The bus pulled over and two blond girls got on
"Trevor, who's this? And why is she in our seats?" the blue eyed girl looked very angry at me until their friend who looked the smartest of them all went "Move or die? I don't care if you're new follow my rules or simply die"
So I kinda just stood there and looked at her for a solid 10 seconds
"They don't have your names on, so no I got here first and so what if I'm new you're right I don't know the rules but at least I know what I'm doing and besides what's the worst you're gonna do scratch me?"
She looked like a perky typical teenager tight clothes normal hair fake everything. I knew they weren't going to do much.
So I went
"Fine for today you can have your 'special' seats but your attitude won't be toleranced anymore."
Me and Danny moved over to the seat in front of the girls and Trevor looked shocked.
"No one ever talks down to them like no one EVER"
"Woah keep your voice down then!"
"I'm not sticking with you when you get hurt!"
"Hurt... Funny! I'm.stronger than I look"
"Good luck for today though you too little one"
We got off the bus and we walked into the heads office the girl who saw me first smiled I knew we were gonna be close. I went in and she said
"Do you know anyone from here?"
"Yes, I know Trevor I believe he's in my classes and three girls two of them are blond and one is brunet"
"Well, looks like you'll fit in just fine, but one problem how many of them are your friends?"
"None I think maybe Trevor not too sure to be honest"
"Well we're going to give you a tour of the school and hopefully you'll find what you need, any questions feel free to tell me"
I walked out and sat on the chairs for her to walk us around to find the places around the school. Each room looked exactly the same except the gym room and the lockers. So I step in and the class teacher went
"You're the new girl Trevor told me we were expecting a new girl, what's your name then?"
"Cassidy, Cassidy Rose"
"Well then Cassidy, Cassidy Rose welcome you can take a seat right here".
She pointed to the seat right next to the girl I had met on the bus. She spoke "So we meet again Cassidy Rose, I'm Angel now this is my school not yours you've been here what 5 minutes and you think already you can wise up to me! Think again"
I ignored her and got on with my English lesson. I learned some new words that we don't say down in Southampton so it was new and interesting.
The only thing that annoyed me was sitting next to her.
Second pierod came around pretty fast, well fast enough for me to just watch as Angel and her two omegos followed her around like lost sheep.
And before I knew it, it was home time so I waited for both Danny and Trevor but Trevor didn't come home on the bus. So me and Danny just went home.
That exact afternoon I saw him playing football on the grass and my mum and dad got a bbq and we eat some really strange but nice foods like kangaroo and crocodile. I'd never dream in a thousand years I'd eat it though.
"Trevor... Hey... Wait up... Where was you? We didn't see you after school?"

The Start To A New Beginning Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang