Chapter 34

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We got to the hotel and Darry went inside to check in while I started to gather our bags, when he came back he helped carry everything inside to our room. When we got inside and sat our stuff down and looked around. 

"Darry it's perfect." I smiled at him and pulled him close. 

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled and kissed me. We laid down on the bed as Darry kissed me roughly. 

"Trying already?" I grinned pulling him closer. 

The we laid in bed cuddling and watching tv most the evening. "Do you want to go get some supper?" He asked. 

"Do you think we could just order room service?" I asked. 

"What ever you want." He kissed my forehead. He rolled over to call and order our food. 

He got dressed a while later so he could answer the door and I sat curled up in bed. When it came he got it and brought it back to bed, we laid there eating and talking. 

"It's only been a couple hours and it's been an amazing trip." I smiled. 

"I love you." Darry pulled me close after we finished eating. 

"I love you too." I kissed him and laid my head on his chest. 

The rest of the trip went the same way and when we went home the gang was happy to see us. I missed James a lot and spent the night with him after Darry talked a while with the gang he joined us in our room. "Hi" I smiled. 

"Hey." He kissed my forehead and then James's. 

We laid in bed and played with James for a while that night. 

The next day after Soda and Pony got home we set them down. "So we have been thinking a lot and I think we want to give something to you guys."

"We don't need anything." Pony shook his head. 

"I know you guys will like it and it will help all of us." Darry put an arm around me. "We are going to clean up the attic and let both of you move up there so you have more room and so James can move into your room." 

"Really guys? You don't have to do that." Soda shook his head. 

"It's fine, we want too." I shook my head. 

The next couple weeks we spent a lot of time cleaning out the attic and moving new furniture up to their room. We finally had everything set up for them. 

"Thank you so much guys, this is amazing." Ponyboy smiled. 

"It's no problem. I'm glad you guys are starting to get more room." I smiled. 

"We will leave you guys to finish setting it up how you like." Darry took my hand and we left them to it. 

The next day Darry came home from work and found us in the room. I was pretty upset. 

"What's wrong babe?" He asked. 

"I'm not pregnant." I looked down. 

"Babe," He laughed a bit. "It's okay, we can keep trying." He smiled and kissed my forehead. 

"You aren't mad?" I asked. 

"Of course not, it will happen soon." He kissed me. "We can keep trying, it will work out." 

We spent a lot of time with James and the gang when we had free time. "Our new room is amazing." Soda said one night while we were eating.

"I'm glad you like it." I smiled and looked at Darry. I love spending time with the gang, it was great to be so close with them all. 

It took us almost half a year to get pregnant and we wanted a couple more months before we told the gang. The pregnancy was a lot like last time but I had a lot more morning sickness which really sucked but I made it through. 

Finally we decided to tell the gang, we sat Soda and Pony down and gave James a picture of the ultrasound. "Go play with Uncle Soda and Pony." We followed him into the living room. 

"Hey buddy." He crawled up onto Soda's lap. "What do you have there?" He asked taking the picture. 

He looked at it kinda confused for a minute, then he looked up at us. "Wait are you having another one?" He asked. 

"Yeah." I smiled and nodded, looking up at Darry. 

"Congrats." He smiled and hugged James. "You are going to be a big brother!" He smiled. 

We sat around and talked with them for a while and the next day told the rest of the gang the same way. 

It had been a couple weeks later. "Darry?" I asked when he got home. 

"Yeah?" He came into the living room with me and James. "Everything okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure that you got tomorrow off to come to the appointment to find out what we are having." 

"Of course I did." He smiled and kissed me. 

Lately we had been even closer and it was amazing. We went to bed early and then we woke up early to go to the appointment. We got there and got all checked in and took back into the room and they did the ultrasound. 

"Do you want to know what it is?" The nurse asked. 

"Yeah." I nodded and smiled looking at Darry. 

"Well congrats you are having a girl." She smiled. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yep." She nodded. 

Darry came over to me and kissed me and smiled. "Happy?" He asked quickly. 

"Of course." I couldn't stop smiling. I was glad I was going to be having a girl. She finished checking everything before we left, when we got home Darry dropped me off then headed to work. We wanted to wait a couple of days before telling the gang so I spent the day playing with James until Darry got home. 

We went back into our room and talked, we started to think of names for the baby, before long she would be here. 

Author's note: Thank you so much for reading everyone! Any suggestions for names? Also when I finish this story I'm going to start another one and any suggestions on who I write about next? Thank you so much for reading and please remember to vote if you like it! :) 

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