Chapter 59

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As soon as she hit the ground I ran over. She managed to crack her head open again, but it wasn't as big this time. I gently cradled her against my chest.

As I studied her I felt horrible, I did this to her. I already know I ruined her, my beautiful strong mate is now helpless. I ran out of the dungeons and into the infirmary.

I watched as they wheeled her away, yelling out orders. I ran my hand through my hair before leaving. I need to find out the truth.

I reached my office and slammed the door shut. I paced back and forth for a bit, I can't believe I did this. There's no excuse. I just hurt her again, there's no demon this time. I did this to her.

She's not the monster, I am.

I snatched the phone and dialed her father's number. I need to know the truth.

"Hello?" He answered after the third ring.

I took a deep breath, "This is Alaricas. Um...Jolene killed a female rogue when she was sixteen. What uh...what happened?"

He was silent for a moment, "Jolene was a newly shifted wolf, she was just learning to control it. Adding the fact she has alpha blood in her, it was very difficult. She has an usually strong wolf, she had even shifted early."

"Anyways, the rogue randomly attacked her. Jolene tried running, but the woman wouldn't stop. So, her wolf took control and tried making the woman submit. She didn't, so, she did what she had to do. She killed her."

"Jolene felt horrible about it for months. She did get better, but even today she hates herself for it. She calls herself a murderer. It's best not to bring that up around her."

"Thank you." I whispered.

I destroyed her.

"Is everything okay over there? Why were you asking anyway?" He questioned.

"Someone brought it up and it just hurt us. Thank you."


"Yes, sir?"

"If you hurt my daughter...I will kill you."

I gulped, "Yes, sir."

After I hung up I sighed and sat in my chair. I groaned and banged my head on my desk until small drops of blood were sitting on the dark wood.

I bit my lip as I made a decision that will fuck me up.

I walked into the waiting room and sat down. A nurse asked if I wanted something for my head, but I told her no. This is nothing compared to Jolene.

Once she was finally out if surgery, the doctor walked out. She gave me a disgusted look, but I deserved it.

When I walked into the room, Jolene looked at me with fear. I wanted to walk up and kiss her. To tell her that I love her, but she won't believe me. Why would she? I certainly didn't act like I loved her.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

I swallowed, "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Right." She scoffed. "You're probably here to finish the job. Are you sure it was the demon that abused me seven months ago?"

I clenched my jaw, I deserve this. All of this.

"How can I make it up to you?" I whispered.

"Accept the rejection." She stated.

I looked down and took a shaky breath. If it'll make her happy, then I have to do it. She'll be safe. She can find someone who won't hurt her.

I'm just the type of guy who can't love the right way and doesn't deserve any in return. None of this would happen if Jefferson killed me.

"I, Alaricas Cain, accept your rejection." I stated.

She winced and turned her nail into a claw, I closed my eyes and waited for the pain.

It sliced through me slowly, I eventually fell. It took five minutes for it to stop and when it did, my mark was no longer on her body.

"I'm sorry." I croaked before leaving.

"You bastard!" Cain growled as he shoved me.

I sighed, "I want you to leave as soon as she's healed. Take her with you."

His eyes widened, "What?"

"She's better off without me."

I sighed and walked away.

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