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he stood there, not saying a thing.

"are you giving to answer me?" i ask. my fist were balled up and i was pretty sure steam was coming out of my ears.

"i.. i don't know what to say, dan." he kept his eyes on the ground.

i was angry. i was furious. i was never good enough. i was never enough for phil no matter how hard i tried. all those years of dedicating myself to him. and he just..

my hand reached out for the closest thing i could grab, which was one of phil's candles, and i threw it in his direction. he had his head down so he didn't see it coming until he felt it crash into his chest.

"you're disgusting! you are so nasty!" i yell, "why would you do this? why aren't i good enough?"

i didn't give him time to answer. i couldn't control my body, i could only watch as i pushed him into the wall and wrap my hands around his neck. i could only hear the sounds of his gasp and whimpers as he tried to escape. nasty nasty nasty was playing on repeat in my mind.

i didn't let go. the harder he fought, the tighter i grip. he was whispering my name but all i could focus on was how i could feel his pulse in my hand and how it slowed by the minute.

slowed until it stopped.


are you nasty? ∆ phan ∆ completedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя