chapter 3

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chapter 3

michaels POV

I didn't know what to reply. I didn't even realize I was being mean I was just so caught up online. now she thinks I hate her and I feel really bad.

"I don't hate you." I said as I looked up at her.

"y-you don't?" she said as she blushed slightly from embarrassment

"no. I was just really caught up on my phone... sorry" I said

"oh no it's fine I'm really sorry if I came off pushy or something oh god really I'm so so sorry"

"really it's fine." I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

* they arrive at Casey's house*

Casey's POV

"urgggggg" I screamas I try to get out of my skinny jeans. they wouldn't go below my thighs.

next thing I knew my door flew open.

"are you ok??" Calum asked with worry in his voice.

"ok this is gonna be really embarrassing since we just met yesterday and all but I need you to do me a favor.." I said

"yeah?" he asked

"can you pull off my pants pleasseee" oh god I never thought those words would come out of my mouth.

"sure" he laughed

as he was pulling they finally flew off In another direction.

oh god this is really embarrassing.

I just kinda sat there in my underwear while he kinda just started at me.

"uh well I'm just gonna finish changing.." I said hoping he got the hint.

"oh yeah sorry." he said as he walked out. as I took off my shirt he walked back in.

"uh you might want these" he said as he put my pants on my bed and walked back out.

shit. he saw me in my underwear. he probably thinks I'm a fat whore. craaaappp. I feel so insecure.

I changed into pajama shorts and a justin bieber tank top.

I walked down stairs to get to the boys.

Ashton chuckled.

"heeeeyyyy what's so funny? is there something on my face?" I asked

"no!" he laughed "it's just funny how obsessed you are with that bieber kid." uh rude. I'm not obsessed.

"oh" I replied I didn't know what to say.

"so what are we gonna do now?" I asked

"truth or dare!" luke said

"ok" I said

the 5 of us sat in a circle with a water bottle.

I was the first to spin.

it landed on luke.

"truth or dare?" I asked


"who do you like better one direction or Justin bieber"

"well.. Justin bieber because I know if I say one direction you will rip me into shreds then give me a 5 hour lesson on why Justin bieber is better than one direction" he said

"that's not true"

"sure" he nodded

luke spun the bottle and it landed on Calum.

just friends.. (5sos fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now