Karma Akabane | Daddy Issues

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(F/N) First name
(F/M/L) First, Middle, Last Name
(S/N) Sons Name
(D/N) Daughters Name
(L/N) Last Name
(H/C) Hair Color
You heard the shriek of your twins. (D/N) and (S/N). They bolted in to the kitchen where you cooking and pulled on your apron.
"When is daddy coming home?" They both asked with puppy eyes. It had been a year since your husband, Karma Akabane, left for America. Leaving you and your 6 year old twins alone in Tokyo. I looked down at them and smiled.
"He'll be here soon. I promise." I tried to hold back my tears as they ran into the living room to play. We'd been friends since middle school, lovers since high school, and married for 7 years. Our first encounter is still fresh in my mind.

  • Flashback •
"We have a new student. Her name is (Y/N)
(L/N). She just transferred here from Korea. In came a beautiful (H/C) girl. She stopped by Koro Sensei.
"Hello. My name is (Y/N)! It's a pleasure to meet you all!" She bowed and turned her attention to Koro Sensei. She swiftly but quietly took out a gun and shot off his tentacles. She tossed the gun to the side and grabbed her knife and swiped his legs. She got up and was about to take a swipe of his face but he moved just in time.
"Nice try (Y/N). I think she's better than you Karma~ (Y/N) take the seat next to Karma." She flattened out her skirt and walked over to the only empty desk and sat down. She turned to see a smirking Karma.
"I feel as if we're going to be the best of friends~" Her face heated up and she looked back at Koro Sensei.
    •End of Flashback•
That's how it all started. Soon after that we dated and eventually he asked me to marry him. I never knew how romantic he could be.
• Flashback •
"Happy 3 year anniversary babe~" Karma came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your plump stomach. You'd been 4 months pregnant.
"You too!" It was late and Karma had been out for a while and hasn't come back. You went out your back door to the backyard and saw a single rose with a note attached. 'You're as sweet as sugar' You noticed a trail of sugar cubes and lanterns. So you decided to follow it. It started to get brighter and brighter until you reached an arch you had in your yard. It was covered in vines. You walked through and saw a candle lit dinner, with a certain redhead waiting. You ran over to him and hugged him.
After a wonderful dinner silence fell. He slowly got up. "Babe, I honestly have no idea where to start. Ever since I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one. Most people when doing this talk all sappy and shit. But I just wanted to let you know I love you so much. So much that I want to be with you forever." He got down on one knee. "(F/M/L), will you do the honor and being my wife?" His face was almost as red as his hair. And so was mine. Tears started to form on the sides of your eyes. He stood up, sorrow and rejection in his eyes. You hugged him lovingly.
"Of course! I love you Karma!"
• End of Flashback •
You had a little bit of hope he'd be back. But you knew he wasn't. It was now summer vacation. Your kids were out of school, and you got a week off of work. All of a sudden I got an idea.
"Hey! (S/N) and (D/N)! Who wants to go to America?" Their eyes lit in joy. They jumped and screamed.
"YES!! Will we get to see daddy?" I nodded with confidence. I'll find him.
We spent all night packing for tomorrow. I bought 3 plane tickets, I booked us a Hotel room, and I found where he was staying.
• Time Skip •
We arrived at our Hotel Room after a few hours. I unpacked and went to my kids room.
"Who wants to go find daddy?" They again screamed. We all ran to the street and into a cab. I told him the street number and we drove to where my husband was staying for the past year.
I started to shake as we got closer and closer. Once we arrived I stepped out and took my children's small hands in mine. We all walked up to the front door. I sighed and knocked. After a few agonizing minutes the door unlocked. And out stepped a young woman. She had long gorgeous blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a slim body.
"Yes? Who are you?" She smiled innocently. I couldn't speak. Then an all too familiar red headed male walked into the door way and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.
"Who is it babe?" She giggled slightly.
"Just some woman and her twins." He looked at me and we made immediate eye contact. I let go of my children's hands and once again tears started to form.
"K-karma? What?" His face paled a bit. The twins saw me crying and attacked their father while crying and screaming.
"DADDY HOW COULD YOU MAKE MOMMY CRY?!?" They punched and kicked his legs. Hoping to help their mother. He pushed them away and clicked his tongue.
"Bratty kids." I had enough. I slapped him and ran towards the street. My eyes were blurry and I couldn't see what was happening. All of a sudden I heard a screeching noise and a smash. I rubbed my eyes and saw a car in front of me and my son half way through the windshield. I ran towards the car and pulled him out. I put him in my arms and rocked him back and forth whispering softly.
"It's okay. You're going to be fine. SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I looked back at the house. The girl ran inside to call 911. And Karma ran towards us. People soon crowded around the accident. I pointed at Karma, crying.

Assassination Classroom X Reader •One~Shots•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora