Nerd boy (Requested by CrystalCastleGilinsk)

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Nerd boy (Requested by CrystalCastleGilinsk)

Marietta's POV

Someone bumped into my shoulder and I dropped all of my stuff. In all honesty I didn't have a very good grip on my papers anyway. I was carrying a heavy textbook loaded backpack and a bunch of papers one of my teachers asked me to print. The papers went flying and I dropped my bag.

"Watch it!" My boyfriend snapped. I turned my head and saw Jack Gilinsky, the biggest nerd in my grade. He stuttered out an apology and we both bent down to pick up the papers.

My boyfriend just stood there insulting Jack. He didn't even try to help. Because I was kind of popular there were people all around watching. Jack was blushing bright red.

"Stop being a Neanderthal. It was on accident," I snapped at him.

"Why are you defending him?"

"Why are you being such a jerk? You know what, don't answer that," I snapped.

My boyfriend walked off in a huff. Jack handed me the stack of papers that he picked up. "I'm really sorry," he apologized. I flashed a megawatt smile. "It's fine." He looked stun for a few seconds before he walked away. "Bye Jack!" I called out. He turned around but not before I could see a faint smile on his face.

Three Months Later (Sorry for the skip but that was what was requested)

Three months ago if someone would have asked me what I loved I would have said my boyfriend, friends, and family. But now I have a different answer. Now I love my family, my home, and Jack Gilinsky.

After the little run in with Jack, I broke up with my boyfriend. I told him that I realized what a jerk he was. The truth is I kind of wanted to break up with him a few weeks before that.

Then I later apologized to Jack even though he was fine with it. I kept finding little excuses just to talk to him. I felt so pathetic until we actually became friends. Being around Jack and his kindness I realized all of the wrong things in my life. I began calling out some of my fake friends like I did with my boyfriend. I still had a bunch of real friends though. It wasn't like I pushed everyone away.

But Jack had become like one of my best friend's. But slowly I felt so much more. I casually mentioned prom a few times, hoping Jack would ask me. But no such luck. I started thinking that maybe he wasn't into me. Until he started flirting like actual flirting. I thought it was cute how he tried to but it was working. I was crushing on him hard.

"Prom's next week," I mentioned. I had dragged Jack to go shopping. He actually liked shopping with me though. I didn't like take forever.

"Yeah," Jack flipped through another rack. "This would look good on you," Jack pulled out a gorgeous dress. I brought out my confidence and smiled. "I'd wear it if you went with me," I winked. I felt dumb for a second when he didn't respond. Then he smiled too. "It's a date."

I'm glad I went to prom with Jack instead of my ex boyfriend. I learned a lot about myself when I started hanging out with Jack. Gilinsky also became a little more confident too. I even set up his best friend Johnson with one of my other friends.

Jack was still a nerd at heart. And I didn't want him any other way.

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