Chapter 4

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××Lucy pov××
I got ready for Salamanders ship party. I really didn't want to go to his party, but I have to, to join Fairy Tail. I went to Salamanders party. I sat down across him. He asked me to open my mouth. I saw that he was trying to cast a sleeping spell on me. I stood up and pushed the orange substance away. Then Salamander's guard grabbed my hands and pinned them behind my back. Then the curtains behind the guard opened and only to reveal all the girls that went to the party laying on the floor sleeping. Then the ship roof broke into pieces only to reveal... Natsu, Happy, and (name). (Name) was not wearing her long sleeve shirt, instead she was wearing a one side long sleeve shirt (In the image at the beginning of the chapter). The shirt was showing her guild Mark. Her guild is Fairy Tail. Natsu was not wearing the outfit the at he was wearing when we meet. He was wearing a no sleeve vest.

He is also a member of Fairy Tail

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He is also a member of Fairy Tail. Then Natsu yelled "Are you in a guild" to Salamander. "Well yes I'm in the guild Fairy Tail" He replied. "Are you sure because we have never seen you in our guild" (name) stated bluntly. "Fire Dragon... ROAR!" Natsu yelled. So he's a Fire Dragon Slayer. "Open Gate Of The Maiden Virgo" (name) yelled. She's a Celestial wizard. Yeah she's way prettier in person than in Sorcerer Weekly. Then Virgo popped out of nowhere. "How may I help you, Hime[1]" Virgo said. "I need you to help me defeat this so called 'Salamander' please" (Name) said. "After this will you punish me" Virgo said. "Virgo-chan you know that (name)-Chan treats her spirits equally she would never hurt you" I heard Natsu yell.
××your pov××
When Natsu and I defeated Salamander we found out that he was not named Salamander his name is Bora (Thanks to @-Lauren_san for commenting Bora's name). Then Natsu dragged Lucy to the Guild. I saw a blush form on her face. Maybe it's my imagination I thought.

Natsu X Reader X GrayWhere stories live. Discover now