"Food!" Unsurprisingly, it wasn't just Riley who shouted. Keith and Emily laughed along with Riley. "Great minds think alike" Emily stated.


The furniture was all bought along with random clothes for people and other necessities. The workers even loaded the car for us. However, not everything would fit in the car. We made an agreement with the workers that they would keep the rest of the stuff in storage until we can come back to retrieve it. After we were done shopping for the new pack members, we started shopping for ourselves. I was using Thomas' bank card that he gave me before we left. Dad tried giving me his, but I refused. Lila had a crapload of cash in her pockets. Keith had his own card and decided that he would pay for himself and Emily.

I think they became better friends after I left them alone for a few days. They were like two siblings. They would banter and push each other around. It was quite amusing. We were about to go into the fourth children's store that we passed by when Keith tapped my shoulder. "I'm gonna get my stuff now. I'll meet you guys here in twenty minutes?" he offered. I nodded my head before he walked away.

Riley started dragging Lila around, pointing at the several stuffed animals. We were at some store where you get to stuff your own toy and dress it up. "I want the bunny!" Riley chirped, holding a light brown bunny in front of Lila's face.

"I want an owl!" Emily stated, picking up the outer part of the toy. "Come on guys. You should get one too" she urged.

Lila and I looked at each other before shrugging and going to pick out a stuffed animal. It took about ten minutes for us to finally decide on a toy. Then another ten minutes to get them all stuffed and dressed up. Riley had a light brown bunny with a pink skirt and black shirt. Emily's spotted owl had on a little blue tux. Lila chose a red fox with a patterned sweater vest and a small crown. I chose a light grey husky with little blue shorts and a black shirt.

Unfortunately, the line was unbelievably long. We had to wait twenty minutes to get service, and Riley was getting restless. It turns out that their cash registers were broken. The workers aren't exactly math geniuses, so they had their phones out as they calculated prices and change. Since the machines didn't work, Lila ended up paying because she was the only one with cash.

"I'll pay you back once I get some cash" I promised. She waved me off, smiling at Riley who was squeezing her bunny to her chest. "Hey. Do you guys see Keith?" I questioned. We all looked around and they shook their heads. "He's late" I said with a frown.

We exited the store with a couple bags on our arms from earlier shopping. "I see him!" I followed where Riley was pointed.

Keith was in front of a store with a girl. I didn't know who she was. But she didn't look happy- neither did Keith. "You guys stay here. I'll be back" I demanded. Walking away, I went to Keith. "Hey" I said softly, catching his attention.

He glanced up and gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I bumped into..." he trailed off, looking at the unhappy girl.

She scowled at him before looking up at me with a friendly smile. "I'm Sherri. And you're Audrey. Right?" she assumed. I nodded my head, shooting Keith a questioning look. "Well, let's just get this out the way. I'm part of the Havoc Coven- the new leader actually. You're a werewolf, a princess, and a Luna" she stated.

I looked at Keith again, and he held his hands up in surrender. "I didn't tell her anything. She just knew it already. She called my name and made me sit down" he informed me.

"Yeah. After you tried frying my brain" she snapped. Oh. Witch perks. I do miss them sometimes. "Anyways. I have some information that you might find helpful" she taunted.

I narrowed my eyes, not trusting her. "I don't need any information. I'm sorry that you wasted your time" I said coldly, turning around.

She sighed, moving to stand in front of me. "Your ominous upbringings restore composure. He imbalances life drastically" she sounded robotic as she spoke. "Tell your mother. Here's my card. I'll be waiting for your call" Sherri stated, handing me a piece of paper before walking away.

I didn't trust the girl, but I knew that what she said was important. I opened up the note app on my phone and typed in what she said. "Did she say anything to you?" I asked Keith. He shook his head. "Come on. It's not safe here"

We walked to Emily, Lila, and Riley. They were waiting anxiously. "We'll explain later. But we have to leave now" Keith said shortly. They didn't question us as we exited the mall and went to Ryan's car.

The ride was short and silent. Riley was asleep. I think Lila and Emily were too scared to talk. But Keith and I were just engrossed in our thoughts. That witch was suspicious. I didn't like her one bit. She knew things about me that shouldn't be public knowledge. Other werewolves have seen me; but I have not been involved with any covens.

I never even heard of the Havoc Coven. It doesn't sound pleasant at all. I could only imagine that the leader is the cause of Havoc. The thoughts caused me to panic and feel dangered. My wolf and I didn't like the fact that this witch was a threat to us, our family, and our packs.

I parked the car in front of the castle. In a rush, I left the keys in the ignition as I hopped out the vehicle. "Meeting in the kitchen" I demanded everyone through the mindlink. Everyone included Mom, Dad, Thomas, Dave, Gardenia, Shawn, Britney, Ryan, Jordyn, Elise, Matthew, Jacobs, and Hope.

I'm not sure if it was the urgency in my voice or if they were curious. But everyone was there in less than two minutes. Lila leant into Dave's arms as Riley went off to her bedroom. Emily and Keith sat on the countertop. And Thomas started to cautiously approach me. "What happened?" He questioned, taking ahold of my hand.

He rubbed small circles on my back of my hand, easing my worries. I pulled out my phone and read the words on the note. "Your ominous upbringings restore composure. He imbalances life drastically" Gasps sounded around the room; but the sounds didn't come from my generation.

Mom snatched the phone out of my hand and reread the words over and over again. "Who gave you this?" Dad questioned, narrowing his eyes at the screen.

"A girl approached Keith at the mall. She knew my name and my status. She's the leader of the Havoc Coven" I informed them. "She told me to tell Mom that" I said, pointing at the device.

Mom sighed, handing my phone back. "Did she say anything else?" She inquired.

This time, Keith spoke up. "She said she'll be waiting for our call. And that she has important information for us" he stated. "What does that mean?" He asked the question that we were all
wondering. Mom and Dad looked at each other before Mom answered.

"It's time to call up an old friend"  


Well, I don't have a quote for you guys today. But I just wanted to thank all of you guys for your support and for giving me time. I love you guys so much. You have no idea how much you guys mean to me.

Kayyyzzzz Byeeezzz


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