"No, exactly. You don't. That's why I really need those answers. I need them, coming from your mouth." I said and sighed. Poor Holly. That's why she was so sad about my 'father'. He doesn't even like her. But the thing mom said about her. Dangerous and misunderstood. Maybe that's why I felt like something is wrong with her. I don't know...

I heard a door open and close. He's here. I am nervous, I don't know why I am but I just am. I'm afraid that he won't accept me because I've never been here. I have never been in his life before just like Holly. So why would he treat me any different? 

"Hello sweetheart who do you have here?" He asked and I gulped. His voice, I have heard it before but where? I looked up and gasped. No way. It's the guy at that local bar who told me that everybody hates him. That can't be true. 

"Oh hey, it's the bar girl! How are you doing and what are you doing here?" He asked and mom already answered him before I could. "This girl is named Madelin Jolley. She's our daughter Damon. Remember?" She whispered and his eyes widened.

To say that he was shocked was an understatement. It was more than that. It was like he couldn't even breathe, as if the air was knocked out of his lungs. Poor guy. Suddenly he spoke up and turned to my mother. "Leave us alone Angelica. Please, leave!" He yelled at her and mom rushed out of the room. Soon he turned around to face me.

He frightened me. The way he yelled at mom and the way she rushed out of the room. It made me fear the man before I even knew him. Even though all of that, I feel comfortable with him. Maybe it's because of that talk we had at the bar. I don't remember much but it still makes me feel comfortable. It's like I have this feeling that he will protect me and keep me safe. Is that what it feels like to have a father? He moved closer to me and stared into my eyes. His eyes held so much emotion, it was intense.

 His eyes held so much emotion, it was intense

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A gasp left his lips and he hugged me tight. "Oh my god. How? W-what I-Is this real? Please tell me this is real. I can't handle this being a lie so please I'm begging you. Is this real?" He begged me and I whispered a small 'yes' and he let out as sob. I couldn't help but cry. This is all so sad but happy at the same time. I am sad and happy at the same time. I finally found him, my father. I know I told mom that I hated him but I can't help but feel love towards this man even though I've only met him once, which I can barely remember. The best thing is that he accepts me and missed me, I think. Who would have thought. I mean, he is crying so obviously he missed me and accepts me.

So this also must mean that this is indeed my father. Why else would he be crying? I..I can feel it. The bond between us. This bond I can't explain, yet it still is there.

I pulled back from his hug and dried my cheeks after I dried his

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I pulled back from his hug and dried my cheeks after I dried his. "Dad?" I dared to ask him and another gasp left his lips. "How could you call me 'dad' while I have never been there for you?" He was surprised and I sighed before answering him with honesty. 

"Because you are the closest thing I have as a father."

Holly's POV

"What do you mean she's home? I'm coming right now!! Bye mom" I yelled into the phone before I hung up on her. That little bitch! How dare she!? I know that I gave her the address but dad was not supposed to come home this early. Besides, Madelin was not supposed to come this early either. What the hell!?

Good that mum called me. We've always been close. I knew that she could never accept Madelin, and that's good. That's how it should be because I'm their only daughter. Fuck. You. Madelin.

 ~~~~~ 20 Minutes later ~~~~~

As I entered the living room I was furious. "How dare you to do this to me!? I told you not to do this Maddy! I warned you about him!! Father and I were finally on good therms. But no of course you have to come around and ruin things! ALL YOU EVER DO IS RUIN EVERYTING!!" I screamed at her as the need to punch her grew bigger and bigger. I looked at my father only to see him rolling his eyes. Of course. She is the perfect daughter and I'm the bad sister.

 She is the perfect daughter and I'm the bad sister

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"You know what Maddy!? GO TO HELL!!"


Hey everybody! How are you guys? I'm good. I was so excited to post this chapter!! I think this is one of my favorites. Holly has some...mental problems.. That's all I can give you for now :D

And again, yes I picked Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder as her parents and yes I named Ian almost the same as in the vampire diaries. I did that because I felt like it and I think it just suits him. I can also do a lot with them so, yeah.. I hope you liked this chapter. The best part is coming soon just like the ending of this story :(

What about Harry tho? What is happening to him?? /_^.^_\

StAy SExY ;P SeE Ya'LL laTEr!!

Xx LiCHellA

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