Chapter Five: The third person

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Kei rolled over in his bed, accidentally slapping himself. He felt his limbs freeze in anticipation, expecting Zale to storm into his room, knowing what he planned. Continuing to toss and turn was his only way to calm himself. He reached for his pillow but ended up falling off the bed. He shut his eyes, bracing himself for the sudden pain and noise. But when neither came, he glanced down and sighed. The blankets he had kicked off earlier had cushioned his fall. He scrambled quietly back into his bed, afraid that Zale or Maria would sense him out of bed.

            He shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind but it was too full of anticipation of the break in. Body shaking he admitted that he was partly afraid to do it, but excited as well. The butterflies in his stomach weren’t helping, but he wouldn’t flake out in front of Hywen, nor could he possibly miss this much entertainment.

Kei climbed out of bed and stretched his muscles, gazing out the window into the darkness of the night. The only completely visible thing outside was the moon, so Kei estimated the time to be around midnight.

            Tiptoeing out of his room and continuing down the hall to Hywen’s room, he gently opened the door and peeked inside, ready to call Hywen. But he was nowhere to be found. Kei opened the door completely and peered inside, squinting in the darkness to see if he had overlooked his friend. Suddenly his covered left eye burned in agony, sending a jolt of pain through his body.

            A shape reached out from the darkness, grasping his shoulder with a grip, firm and intentional.

Kei leaped into the air, swatting the hand from his shoulder, only to find that there was no hand. Only Hywen standing behind him, his hand raised almost to shoulder height. With a dumbfounded look on his face, making Kei wonder if he had been about to put his hand on his shoulder.

            Both boys started to chuckle, until they remembered that they needed to be dead quite, they shut-up real fast. Kei pointed to the back door and Hywen nodded in agreement. The back door was further from the adult’s room, and more importantly, opposite side of the house from Cyreen, who always had impeccable timing.

            Through the darkness, they tiptoed towards the door; once in a while one of them would stub their toe or walk into something, causing the other to snicker. Finally having walked down the stairs they were about to open the door, when Cyreen came storming down the stairs, fully dressed, hair combed and wide-awake. Shit!  Cyreen was not, in anyway, attempting to be quite. In fact it seemed to Kei that she was trying to make as much noise as possible in order to wake up Zale and Maria.

            “Get her!” Kei whispered to Hywen, who only nodded. Kei sighed silently and ran quietly at Cyreen. Before she could say a word, he had gagged her with an old sock that had been lying in the floor, and had thrown her over his shoulder. While not as muscular as Hywen, he was able to easily shoulder her weight.

Kei zipped out of the door and didn’t stop running until he was far enough away, that he thought he could scream, or more exactly Cyreen could scream, without having Zale and Maria notice. Before he set Cyreen down, he and Hywen searched quickly for a dark alley. Which they immediately ran into. “Hywen, stand guard until we decide what to do…” Kei felt distress wash over him. “Holy Chaos! She causes so much damn problems!” Hywen nodded quickly, obviously feeling the same about their current situation.

Kei removed the sock from Cyreen’s mouth. It was wet and soggy, completely gross. He tossed it onto the floor, in disgust, but kept it within reach incase he needed to gag her again.

She coughed before screaming and yelling to her hearts content. “I hate you guys! You sons of Death!” She spat at them. “Destructa take you!” He waited for her to calm down before asking her questions.

“How much of this do you know?”

“You mean the fact that you and Hywen plan to run away and join a church?” Cyreen laughed at her own joke, all three knowing that that would never happen.

Bitch. Kei really wanted to give her a mouthful for that one. So, he did. “Shut your face, you ugly whore.” Kei narrowed his eyes, making the most menacing face he could. “How much do you know…?” Kei saw her quiver, from fear or the cold. He wasn’t positive but he suspected it was from fear.

            “What are you going to do to me?” She glanced at Hywen. “Hywen…” He pretended not to notice. Kei caught his eyes and immediately new that they had to hurry. Hywen was about to laugh; he loved it when Kei scared people shitless. It had become one of their little inside jokes, though it had started as a past time to amuse themselves when Kei had first arrived.

 Kei repeated the question, this time picking up the sock from the ground. He made sure to show her the dirt, saliva, and a bunch of other disgusting things that were to small to distinguish.

Kei saw her gulp before she answered. “Um… I know that you and Hywen plan to sneak into some girl’s house…” Her voice was full of reproach; Hywen burst out laughing, and Kei smirked. It was all too obvious what Cyreen thought they were trying to do. Kei joined in, laughing louder and louder as Cyreen began to stammer and mumble.

            “We’re breaking in to the Noble’s house. Lady Xavier, or whoever.” Kei doubled over, laughing. “You really thought that we were going to attack a girl?” Kei raised an eyebrow. “What did you think we were going to do with you exactly?” Her face turned a deep shade of red, launching Kei and Hywen into another round of laughter.

It took Cyreen a minute before she realized what had happened to her. “You played me!” She screamed. “You tricked me!” She was getting riled up now. Her tan face had turned more of a plum color. That didn’t help stop their laughing. The more she yelled, whined and complained, the more they laughed. “I’ll tell everyone that you attacked me and planned to attack a young girl unless you let me join you.” Kei was the first to stop laughing. He stared at Cyreen, her face set, and determined.

“No.” Hywen said. His face like stone. “No way, I’m not putting my sister in danger. I’d go to Destructa first.”

“Fine.” Shrugged Cyreen. “It won’t be me who gets punished.” Kei could see that Hywen was struggling with himself to stand by his morals. But he couldn’t keep his sister and best friend out of trouble and/ or danger this time. So Kei made a quick decision.

“Okay, you can come. No talking, no complaining, and you do exactly as we say.” Kei looked at Hywen, but he couldn’t read his friend’s expression. “Got it? Oh, and, you need to listen to Hywen over me, otherwise you leave.” This earned him a nasty glare from Cyreen, but a thankful look from Hywen. He sighed to himself. Well, guess I can’t make everyone happy. Whatever, I guess that’s just too bad for them.

Kei looked at Hywen and Cyreen, sizing them up and thinking about what they could do. He let out long breath of air, beckoning his friends to follow him. “Alright then, the three of us, will break in to that noble’s house and figure out why she wants me, without having her actually know where we are, okay?” Kei looked at them and they nodded in understanding. “Alright then.” Said Kei, rubbing his hands together. “Let’s go.”

The Eye of Chaos (Council of Champions Book One) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now