The Murder Of A Loving Mother

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I thought of doing a dc comic fanfic. I was bored of doing anime fanfics so I thought of doing a dc one. This fanfic is based off of 'The Flash' show by Dc comics the live action one I think. Some scene will be similar to my story but not all. No copyright intended.


~~Prologue ~~

~~Barry's View (11 age)~~

I heard a loud crash and came running down the stairs along side (Y/n) ((9/11 age)). Both of us come toward the living area and see my Mom being surrounded by a man in lighting.

I could tell that (Y/n) sensed my fear. She grabbed my wrist and held it tightly. Soon when my father come down I clasped. (Y/n) was holding me as she cried along with me.

"MOM!!" I yelled as I see the lighting man quicken his speed if possible.

"Barry! Run!!I love you Barry & Henry!!" Were the only words me and (Y/n) heard form my mom.

Next thing I know is that me and (Y/n) are miles away form My house. Me and (Y/n) run toward my house and see cops and my Dad being put into a police car.

"DAD!! No Stop It wasn't my dad!! It Was The Lighting Man!!" I yelled.

"He's right It wasn't Mr. Allen!!" (Y/n) yelled in my defense.

As she yelled that I ran into the house pushing the police out of my way.

What I see is My mom on the floor covered and Joe talking to a police. I ran over and pull the cover of my mom only to see a lifeless face that was my mom.

That's the day everything changed for me.

~~Time Skip~~

~~Barry's View~~(11 age)

"Hey Barry do you want to live with me i can help you solve and find your mothers murderer." (Y/n) asked.

"Yea, With someone who knows what i saw will help." I said Happily.



With (Y/n) help we are able to solve the murder faster. Not so long after I see Iris and I am walking back to class. I smile and she walks up to me and she asked me this question...

"Hey, Barry Me and My father have been thinking. What if you come and live with us. " said Iris.

My eyes light up. Smiling happily.

"Yes!!" I said excited.

When she walked away and i remember something.I said 'yes to live with Iris and (Y/n)..WHo should I chose.

After a week I decide to live with Iris.

"Why? Tell me why! Barry!" (Y/n) yelled when I told her the news.

"Cause If I can convince Joe that my father wasn't the mur---"

"Why You know you can't convince him. Why go live with the man that put your father in bars!?" (Y/n) yelled.

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