Better than Words

Start from the beginning

[Liam:] "Every time we touch
I'm all shook up
You make me wanna...
How deep is your love?
God only knows, baby"

[All] "Woo
I don't know how else to sum it up
'Cause words ain't good enough, ow
There's no way I can explain your love, no
Ah, woo
I don't know how else to sum it up
'Cause words ain't good enough, ow
I can't explain your love, no

It's better than words"

[Niall:] "Ooh oh ooh, ooh oh ooh, ooh ooh oh!"

[Harry] "Better than words"

[Louis:] "Better than words
You drive me crazy
Someone like you
Always be my baby"

[Niall:] "Best I ever had
Hips don't lie
You make me wanna sss
One more night
Irreplaceable (yeah), crazy, we're crazy"

[All] "Ah, woo
I don't know how else to sum it up
'Cause words ain't good enough, ow
There's no way I can explain your love (there's no way I can explain your love), no
Ah, woo
I don't know how else to sum it up
'Cause words ain't good enough, ow
I can't explain your love, no"

[Louis:] "Everyone tries (they try)
To see what it feels like (feels like)
But they'll never be right
'Cause it's better, it's better, it's better

Ooh oh ooh, ooh oh ooh, ooh ooh oh!
One more time
Ooh oh ooh, ooh oh ooh, ooh ooh oh!
Better than words


[All] "Ah, woo
I don't know how else to sum it up (I don't know)
'Cause words ain't good enough, ow
There's no way I can explain your love, no
Ah, woo
I don't know how else to sum it up (sum it up)
'Cause words ain't good enough, ow (the words ain't good enough)
I can't explain your love, no

It's better than words

Ooh oh ooh, ooh oh ooh, ooh ooh oh!
It's better than words
Ooh oh ooh, ooh oh ooh, ooh ooh oh!
It's better than words
Ooh oh ooh, ooh oh ooh, ooh!"
I clapped even though they couldn't hear me or see me.
"Oh wow! Niall wrote that about me? If he were here I would totally kiss him!" I squealed.
"Haha yeah that was a pretty good song." Ash laughed.
I could feel Luke staring at me, so I looked at him.
"What?" I asked.
"You're just really beautiful." He murmured.
I blushed. Wait why did I blush? Ugh he just has the strangest effects on me...
"Thank you." I replied as if it were no big deal.
He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed him away.
"Sorry, I um, sorry. I need to go." Then he got up and left.
"He's liked you for a really long time, and he's been pretty stuck on you for a while, we've been arranging dates for him but he doesn't like any of the girls we've set him up with." Ash explained.
"Oh. I feel really bad. I always feel bad in those movies when the guy doesn't end up with the girl he truly loves. And Luke is just like one of those guys, I wish I could make him happy." I said.
"Well you love Niall don't you?" Ash asked.
"Do you see yourself with him in ten years."
"I guess."
"Can you see a future with Niall."
"Alright, now do you see a future with Luke."
"Do you see yourself with him in ten years?"
"Do you love him?"
"I-I don't know." Honestly I really didn't.
I mean Luke seems amazing. And he is really nice. I can see myself with him yes, but I also really really love Niall. Niall is my everything. Luke just seems like a friend with benefits. Like a best friend you love and will always have room for in your heart, but you end up with someone else.
"Wow." Luke stated, coming in the room.
Wait did I say that out loud?
"Luke! I--"
"Hey it's cool. That was really sweet what you said. I'll find someone for me, but for now, I need you to stop feeling guilty and go be with Niall."
I hugged him,
"Thank you."
"No prob lolly pop."
I kissed his cheek and the boys came in.
"Hi love." Niall stated, kissing me.
Mhm. Definitely Niall.
"Hi." I replied.
"Did you see us on tv?" Louis asked.
"Yeah. That song was amazing Niall."
"Thanks love." Niall put his arm around my waist and I snuggled up to him.
Harry still looks really depressed, I feel really bad.
"Hey Harry?" I called.
"Yeah?" He said, looking up.
"Can I talk to you?"
He nodded and everyone else left the room.
"What's up with you?"
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"You've been really depressed and I don't understand why. Is it because I'm with Niall now?"
"No, no it has nothing to do with you and Niall."
"Then what's going on? You know you can still talk to me right?"
"Yeah, I just didn't want to put everyone down even more."
"Why would you put us down?"
"Well, my mom died."
"What? Harry oh my god I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell us?" I motioned him over to lay down with me, and he did.
"I just knew everyone was dealing with you and I didn't want anyone else to be depressed so I just kept it to myself."
"Oh Harry, that makes it worse on yourself. But hey, we are all here for you now okay?"
He nodded and looked at me.
"Thank you, Nat. I'm really glad we're still friends."
He put his hand on mine and hugged me.
"Everything good in here?" Liam asked, coming in.
"Yep." I said pulling away from Harry.
"Guys I have something to tell you." Harry began as everyone was coming in.
"Shoot." Louis said.
"My mom died."
The room went dead silent.
"Mate..." Niall began, patting Harry on the back.
"I'm sorry, I know how you feel though, my mom died a few years back." Luke said.
"Yeah it was really hard on him, but he had us and the band so we all helped him through it." Calum stated.
"And we'll do the same for you." Liam told Harry.
"Thanks guys. I don't know how else to express my gratitude, but I assume Natalia being out of the hospital and at home will be better than words?" He smiled.
"Wait what?!" I exclaimed.
"I talked to the doctor and he said that if Natalia has a nurse 24/7 with her at all times, then she can at least be at home." Harry explained.
"YAY!" I squeezed Harry tightly and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I praised.
"You're welcome." He replied, hugging me back.
"I'll go tell the doctor so we can set you up with a nurse." Liam stated, leaving the room.
"I'm so happy I get to finally be back home!" I squealed.
"Me too, but you know you're never gonna be alone for a while, right?" Niall told me.
"Yeah... But I'll still be in my own home."
"Alright, let's go!" Liam said, coming into the room and taking my hand.
"Oh um now? Alright!"
We checked out and the nurse rode with us home.
Liam opened the apartment door and I plopped down on my couch.
"UGHHH it feels so good to be home." I sighed.
Niall sat down next to me. "It does. I mean none of us have been home either so it feels good for all of us."
"Says the man who doesn't live here." Liam retorted.
Niall stuck his tongue out at him and he kissed me before leaving.
"I'll text you." He said.
It was a little annoying to constantly have my nurse with me, but she was nice so it worked out.
Sadly, I have to get through an entire month of constant supervision.
I mean what if I wanna make out with Niall? That just makes me feel awkward.
Oh well, we'll get through it together.

Yay! Natalia is finally home! You're welcome for the long chapter, I figured you guys deserved it because I haven't been on here a lot. I hope you enjoyed! If you did please comment and vote! Love you all!
All my heart,
Olivia ❤️

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