
978 32 15


11:59. Once again I was rushing to make it to my office in time. My fear suddenly rose as I approached the doors of the dreaded place; I wasn't sure on how to react at being the Marionette whilst inside the pizzeria, and primarily, I was concerned on how the other animatronics were going to react to me whilst I was there. Inhaling deeply, I somehow found some ounce of courage in myself, and I swung open the creaky-hinged doors, cringing at how loud a noise they made. I stepped inside and once again I was startled at how quickly the transformation from my normal self to my animatronic self was.

12:00. Soon after entering I hurried hastily towards the main party room, where I knew the animatronics were now able to move. I rushed blindly through the door, and almost instantly regretted it, as all eyes were on me as soon as I entered.

Suddenly I was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug as a girly squeal rang out through the room. "Oomph!" "OH MY GOSH! I THOUGH THEY WERE LYING WHEN THEY SAID ANOTHER GIRL WAS JOINING THE GROUP, BUT OBVIOUSLY NOT!! YAY!! IT'S SO NICE TO MEET YOU ON GOOD TERMS, APHMAU-err MARIONETTE!" an unfamiliar joyous voice squealed ecstatically into my ear, causing me to wince at the loud noise. The delighted figure pulled away for a moment, and I almost instantly recognized the familiar yellow figure that looked back at me. She grinned, an impressive thing to be able to do hence having a beak, but I wasn't too surprised, as I was still in shock about being the Marionette.

Glancing over at the three boys- Bonnie, Freddy, and Foxy- I noticed the humorous gleam that their eyes all shared and I glared at them, only causing them to laugh. Turning back to Chica, I noticed that her grin hadn't left her face since I'd entered the room. I found it a bit disturbing to see that she had teeth in her beak, but I wasn't judgmental, as I sensed that I would be spending a fair amount of my time with these 'people'- rather animatronics.

"W-well, thank you for the warm welcome, I guess, but w-what exactly do I do? I mean, I'm an absolute newbie at this, so a little advice really wouldn't hurt..." I asked hestitantly, unsure on how to react.

"Well, darlin', I can assure you that it ain't that hard. All ye really have to do is play with the young children, lass, and looking at you, you seem to be good enough at that." answered a certain Fox, an affectionate look passing through his eyes.

"U-uh, thanks... I guess?" I replied hesitantly before Chica gave another one of her deafening squeals, causing Bonnie to groan and Freddy to chuckle heartily.

"I CAN TOTALLY GIVE YOU A TOUR!! It can just be us girls, and we would get to bond, like friends! I-I mean, o-only if you want to..." the energetic chicken trailed off awkwardly, twiddling her thumbs timidly, and I laughed at her sudden nervousness.

"Of course I'd join you for a tour! Who would be dumb enough to turn down such an offer?" I gave her a cheerful smile and she squealed again before dragging me away to show me everything the pizzeria had in store for me. I grinned, my last thoughts before beginning to listen to her endless chatter being, Who knows, maybe working here won't be so bad after all?


-le time skip brought to you by the mlg my little pony ponies that I'm seeing everywhere I think Im hallucinating-

I slowly slid my key into the ignition, smiling slightly as I thought about how the night had gone. Chica had been unbelievably friendly, and her excitement had me in a blissful mood as I left the small carpark. As I drove, I happily noted that it was only ten past, and relief swept through me as I realized that becoming the Marionette meant most mornings would often be like this, and my friends might not be so suspicious anymore. As I entered the driveway and quietly parked and entered, a small grin appeared on my face.


Anyway guys, please stick with being faithful puggins, see you in the next chapter and HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!

~Yours truly,

~Your loyal pug/dragon,

~And all the hot-sauce that my friend eats so much of,

~Pug <3

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