Chapter 53.

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Carters p.o.v.

"Carter, what're you wearing tonight?" Alex asks me as we walk through the mall.

"Nothing fancy, maybe jeans and a t-shirt. What about you?"

"Probably the same thing, it's just New Years, not big deal." he shrugged.

"I thought I'd wear a pretty skirt." Robert frowned.

We all stopped and looked at our idiotic friend.

"You act so gay at times." Zach says.

"Do I care? Not really." Robert shrugs.

We keep walking until we reach the food court. We haven't really bought anything but cologne and a few shirts or chains.

It was almost three so the guys and I are just gonna wait for the girls to get through shopping.

"Why do we wear jeans if the girls wear dresses?" Zach asks.

"Because we're different. But if you want to wear a dress, be my guest." Chase laughs.

"Fuck no, I'll stick to pants." Zach chuckles.

"Pants are for squares," Robert says.

"So you're wearing a dress then?" Harry asks him.

"Hell No, I'm wearing cargo shorts." he answers.

"Changing the topic," Alex speaks up.

"How do you feel about Elizabeth coming to the party with us tonight, Carter?" he asks.

"Well, I don't really know. I'm kind of happy about it but, knowing she won't be my new years kiss is extremely disappointing." I answer.

"You never know, she just might be." Harry spoke up.

"I don't think so, she barely even looks at me now. I just need to talk to her, yunno? I want to at least be friends.." I say.

"Don't sound so down, Carter. The two of you will be together again, she loves you dude." Chase says.

"You don't know that, Chase." I huffed.

"Ugh, I think I'm losing my mind without her!" I groan, covering my face with my hands.

"Get yourself together, here they come." Robert whisper yelled.

My head snapped up, seeing the girls walk over to us.

Elizabeth looked beautiful. Even if she was just wearing something so simple, she still managed to take my breath away.

"Hey guys," Kelsey smiled at us.

Alex stood from his seat and let her sit there and Robert did the same with Dre.

"Here, take my seat Elizabeth." Harry offered, standing up.

"Actually, I need to speak to Carter." She said.

My eyes widened, as did everyone elses in the group.

"Me?" I ask, I'm shocked.

"Yeah, do you mind?" she asks nervously.

Hell, she shouldn't be the nervous one. I should be, which I am. Even my ass cheeks are sweating.

"Of course not, lets-lets got talk then." I stutter.

Elizabeths p.o.v.

Carter stands from his seat and before I could turn around, Dre gives me a wink.

I give her a slight smile as I walk away from the food court, Carter close behind.

Before the girls and I even came to the food court to find the boys, I had brought up my plan to speak to Carter to the girls. I was going to do it later on tonight but the girls persuaded me to do it now rather than later. I got new shoes out of it.

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