Chapter Seventeen

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Reader-Chan POV

It's been a few days now. Niekku has gotten well acquainted with others and his fans have increased. He seems to be liking the attention since he's patient with their questions and praise.

It's different at home though. Mom was showing signs of sickness a day after Takashi, who of course is all better now. It only took two days of taking care of her before I got sick myself.

So here I am, on a Saturday, laying in bed with a headache and running nose. There was tissue everywhere and a half empty glass of water and an empty bowl that was filled to the brim with soup.

I've been awake in bed for half an hour now. My head is pounding to the point where I can barely hear anything.

Mom suddenly got called into work for two hours and Takashi is at his friend's house for the day. I'm home alone with an empty stomach. Mom said she'd get soup ingredients and Gatorade on her way back home but I don't think I can wait that long.

My phone vibrated on my nightstand from Gaara's text.

'Are you free today?'

'Sorry, I can't. I'm sick.'

'Who's taking care of you?'

'No one right now. My mom said she'll get soup on the way home.'

'The spare key is under the under the door mat right?'

'Yeah, but you don't have to come over. Mom will be back in an hour and half.'

'Don't wait for me. I'll be there soon.'

'You really don't have to.'

I didn't get a response after that.

The thought of Gaara taking care of me sent butterflies to my stomach. Either that or it's because I'm sick.

I got out of bed and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I brushed my hair into a new ponytail [or it's been down the whole time so leave it that way] and put on a pair of clean sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, not sure what to do next. I played on my phone for awhile before I heard the click of the lock to the front door.
Gaara's blood red hair was the first thing seen coming through the doorway, bits of snow at the edges. His cerulean eyes scanned the room before they landed on my figure.

"I said not to wait for me." Gaara spoke as he stepped out of his boots.

"I know, I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd just get up anyway."

He nodded in response, "I got soup on my way here if you're hungry now."

He held up a plastic bag filled with canned and instant soups, each a different kind and brand.

"Yeah, I'm hungry now. Thank you for getting it." I smiled and reached for the bag but it was lifted out of reach before I could make contact.

"Did you take your medicine?" Gaara asked.

"Who needs medicine when you have soup?" I tried reaching for the bag.

"You won't get better that way." Gaara's expression hardened.

"But it's so gross~"

Gaara walked into the kitchen and set the bag on the counter. He grabbed the bottle of meds mom left for me on the counter. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet, Gaara poured [Fav./Drink] into the glass. He popped the bottle open and it out to me. "Try focusing on the drink more than the pill."


"Do it and I'll feed you soup." He said it with such a straight face like what he just said didn't mean anything at all.

"I-I can feed myself." I snatched the bottle out of his hand and tapped a capsule into my palm. I grabbed the glass of [Fav./Drink] and took a sip, dropping the pill into my mouth and swallowing. I took several gulps afterwards to get the unsettling taste out of my mouth.

Gaara smiled at this and ruffled my hair. I looked up at him, a little irritated with this whole thing. But his smile softened a bit under my gaze.

He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. Then he leaned down further to my right ear and whispered huskily, "I'd kiss you but then I'd get sick. Then there'd be no one to take care of you like I can."

"I can take care of myself. I didn't ask you to kiss me either. And what about the soup? I took my medicine like you asked and I'm hungry."

Gaara laughed and ruffled my hair once more before turning to the counter.
I can feel my face radiating immense waves of heat. His words left me embarrassed, and his smile and laughed left me liking him a bit more. What is this spell cast upon me?

The soup was made and poured into a bowl. I sat at the table, waiting for the tasty goodness that was waiting for me in that bowl.

Gaara sat at my right, stirring the soup gently. He got soup with the spoon and turned to me, holding the spoon up to my mouth.

"Say 'ah'."

"What are you doing?"

"Feeding you. You didn't think I was serious?"


"Say 'aahh'."

My protests would go unheard from this point on. And I'm too hungry to pout about it.

The soup felt good running down the back of my throat. I could feel the warmth spreading inside my chest.

Gaara watched me eat with a soft smile. He's taking the role of a mother.

"Is it too hot? Your face is red."

"No, it's fine."

The doorbell rang suddenly. Gaara got up before I could. He squinted through the peephole and gave a smug look before opening the door.

"Hey. Is [Mom/Name] here?" A voice came from the door.

"Who is it?"

A/N: Haven't had a cliffhanger in awhile though you probably already know who it is. Sorry for not updating this slow guys, I have no excuses. I hope you guy like the story so far.

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