A Magicians Act ~ Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

“Maybe…” Hermione mused to herself, “maybe if I was put in Ravenclaw none of this would have happened. But I can’t exactly use a time-turner to go back that far in time. Ha, that would be funny, dodging myself for five years. No, it wouldn’t work. I’m getting too distracted here. At least I’m not thinking about Fred. Yes, I’m not thinking about his piercing blue eyes and his thick red hair… Merlin Hermione! Pull yourself together!” Hermione slapped her face gently to keep her awake. “Think about…. Think about Muggle Studies! That is what you are meant to be studying! Oh look here, question five, what is the function of a rubber duck. How am I supposed to know? Well… it’s for bath time, and children play with it to entertain them. This is not the best place or time to be studying, I’m too tired. Maybe Ginny will know. Where is she? Ginny? Oh, there you are.” Hermione raised her voice, calling to the youngest Weasley.

“What is it this time Hermione?” Ginny looked up from where she was playing Wizards Chess with a Hufflepuff; she was winning by the looks of it.

“Uhh… never mind.” Hermione replied, realising that the Weasleys are a pure-blood family, so they wouldn’t know a thing about muggles. Her thoughts luckily did not go back to Fred. Instead they went back to the other night on the astronomy tower…  Soon they were rudely interrupted by a couple of Slytherins in the corner having an argument. That was, at least, until Madame Prince told them off and hurried them out. Silence, at last.

She looked down at her parchment and book, thinking of how to answer the question, but it was no use. She just couldn’t concentrate for some reason. She definitely couldn’t concentrate when she heard some whispers and giggles coming from a group of 1st years and a sigh from Ginny.

“What are they doing?” Hermione heard, followed by set of muffled giggles and “what are they wearing more like!”

 She decided to look up, to find out who ‘they’ were and why what ‘they’ were wearing that was so funny.

As soon as she looked up, she wished she hadn’t. “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming!” Lee cried. He, Fred and George were out of their robes and were wearing, well, they seemed to be wearing a magicians outfit! A muggle one!

George stepped to the front and took out a blue balloon. Some people groaned, others looked excited but most had no idea what was going on. Unfortunately, Hermione was one of the former. They were going to perform a show. George blew the balloon into a long tube and then twisted it into a…

Well, Hermione didn’t actually know what it was. George threw it into the ever growing audience, and there was a scramble for it from some 4th years.

“What’s it meant to be?” A Slytherin called rudely from the back. Normally Hermione would have got angry, but she wanted to know what it was meant to be, so she let it slide. Behind the twins, Lee was growing redder and redder, with anger, but George just replied calmly.

“It’s meant to be a dog. If you can not see that then you must be blind.”

“We see it George!” The 4th years called out excitedly. In reply, George gave them his signature smile and wink. Hermione had a feeling that they wouldn’t sleep that night, and it would be those sexy boys fault-

Her thoughts were gladly interrupted by Ginny whispering in her ear, “Merlin, what have my brothers done now?”

She giggled slightly and replied, “Better enjoy it whilst we can!”

Ginny gave her a disgruntled look, but Hermione just carried on laughing. She laughed so hard and so loud that everyone ended up staring at her. “Sorry!” She managed to splutter out between her chokes. People turned away and continued watching the show, where George was making more balloons.

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