Meanwhile, back with Brianna...

"Are you sure that this is the right place?" Jeremy asked quietly.

"It should be. The Internet says that this is Ella's parent's house."

"I wonder why all the lights are on..."

"I know, it's weird. But there isn't any sign of Blackwell's men being here. I think we hit a dead end, I just hope that Lauren and Brody found something useful." Brianna sighed.

"Yeah, we need a lead."

"So, not trying to butt in on anything, but aren't you worried that something might be going on between Brody and Lauren? Although Brody isn't my type, he can be quite the charmer..."

"Why should I care? I don't see the point." Jeremy shrugged.

"But aren't you guys- um- married- dating- soul bound?"

"I honestly don't know. The people who made us, who created us, they made us as a pair. We were made to be together. And I'll admit, I remember the love I had for her, I remember dying to keep her safe. But now, I don't know what I feel anymore... I think Lauren needs to sort herself out about us. Realize that things have changed since our first Hunt."

"Understood. Now let's look for more clues." Brianna said and walked over to the house.

Meanwhile, back with Lauren...

We walked back around the front counter together and were once again back in the center of the shop.

"What do we do now?" Brody asked.

"Well, the owner is dead and the computer has been destroyed. It's like someone expected us to show up here, but why would they kill their own men like this? Just to tie loose ends?"

"That's a good point, but we need to go back to the source for this. Why would these people want Ella? Do you think she had information on them?"

"Or maybe... No, I can't be right..." I muttered.

"What is it?"

"I think she might be a monster. It would make sense as to why they had her locked up and took her back."

"Are you sure? She doesn't look like any monster that I've seen before."

"I got it! The island!" I said happily.

"Island? How does an island help us find Ella?"

"Before I found you and Brianna, I was inside Darius Blackwell's cabin. Inside, I found a map with a chain of islands on it. There was one that had a big x on it and it's the location of yet another Hunt. I'm almost positive that's where they've taken her."

"I don't know, Lauren. It sounds a little risky..." Brody sighed.

"Any better ideas? I'd love to hear one."


"Okay. We need to find Jeremy and Brianna. In order to stop this Hunt, we need to end it before it starts. Now let's hurry, we don't have much time."

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