Cliché!: Epilouge

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  • Dedicated to Everyone that was brave enough to read the whole thing! :)

Today was my birthday. I hoped, I PRAYED today was going to be a normal day with my friends. The boys were taking me someplace. I had no clue where we were going.

I was thankful I didn’t have school tomorrow because of Martin Luther King Jr. day, because they had told me we were partying late. I could not wait until I saw where we were going.

At 11:00am, the boys had pulled into my driveway. They had also told me that the place we were going to was an hour and a half away. I literally took my last bite of pancakes when my mom told me my friends were here. I brushed my teeth before I went outside to greet my friends.

“Happy birthday Casey!” they all chorused once I climbed into the car. The boys had saved me the passenger seat; Danny usually sat in the passenger seat because he got carsick easily so since today was my birthday, they had let me get the shotgun.

When I sat down, someone had tied a blindfold across my eyes. “Just to make the surprise suprisinger.” said Jake. “Is suprisinger a real word?” asked Jim as we started accelerating. We all then debated on whether suprisinger was a real word or not.

As expected, Danny threw up in the back while we were on the highway. According the Joel, Nick and Jake, it smelled really bad. Jim and I couldn’t smell it because we were in the front. “You’re so lucky you’re not in the back this time Casey!” said Nick.

After Danny had filled up about 3 bags with puke, Nick threw them out the window. Then the guys started laughing their heads off after they threw out the last bag. “What’s so funny?” I asked since I couldn’t see. “T-the bad landed on someone’s car!” Danny laughed. Then we all started laughing.

Apparently, the bag had exploded on a car after it was thrown out so the guy that was driving it had to pull over and he swore at us, according to Nick.

We then came to a stop a while later. “We’re here!” said Nick. Everyone cheered. “Now Casey,” said Jake. “Prepare to feast your eyes on the most exciting extravaganza you’ll ever be at 1, 2, 3!” Then the blindfold was lifted from my eyes and I saw it.

It was the most amazing place I have ever seen. It was an amusement park. I saw the tall rides and heard people screaming all the way from where we were. There was music playing loudly. “And the best part,” said Jim. “Is that it has a skate park!” I was in heaven.

“But before we go there,” said Joel. “You have to open up the presents we got you!” One by one, the boys loaded their presents on my lap. Jim had gotten me a new video game, Jake had gotten me a shirt with a heart that said, “Love” with an X across it and at the bottom it said, “Screw this!” I laughed and said that was the most appropriate thing for me right now. I actually put it on over my other shirt.

Danny had gotten me two things, one of them was Saw 3D, and the other was a ninja sword. I learned that all the boys had ninja swords and that they were using the sword as a label for Purple Blade.

Nick had gotten me a GameStop coupon. He apologized since his gift wasn’t the best and that his mom wouldn’t raise his allowance for the original gift he was getting me.

But Joel’s was the best. He had gotten me a new skateboard. My other one snapped in half a few weeks ago because it was so old. I missed my first ever skateboard, but this one was better! “I chose this present specifically for today!” he said. “Now let’s have some fun!” I shouted before we all sprinted toward the park.

I discovered they had an indoor arcade, as well as laser tag. We played laser tag twice and we were the only ones in laser tag both times. I scored the most points the first time, and Nick scored the most points the second time.

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