Chapter 3

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The truth

Jake look into angel's eyes. "I'm not leaving you" Angel's golden eyes started turning red. "Jake I-I don't w-want to h-hurt you" he looked at her once more. "What will happen if you don't feed?" Angel coughed, "I'll desiccate, slowly. B-but only if I-I've..." "Ahh!" She screamed as the pain entered her fangs "been more than three days without blood" jake gave her a stern look. "How long have you been without blood?" She grins at him and whispers in his ear "four" he looked at her and without a second glance put his wrist near her mouth. "J-jake, no" he pushes it closer to her "Angel drink" Angel started to laugh. He looks at her confused. "Jake, leave while you can." He handed her his wrist one last time. "Why did you laugh?" "Because this" she points at his wrist "proves that you've watched way to many vampire movies. GAH!" The pain makes her fangs pop out. Then she sits up lighting fast. And pushes jake up against the wall her mouth at his throat. "Lady's like the neck" she sunk her teeth into his neck until she felt the cool red liquid flow down her throat. She felt his body go limp in her arms, out of panic she dropped him on the floor. She bit her own arm and put it to his mouth allowing him to drink her blood, to heal him. His emerald eyes fluttered open and a weak smile crept on his face. "Is that all you got" Angel laughed with cheer, then slapped him. "Oww! What was that for!?!" Angel slapped him once more. "I could have killed you, you fucking flamboyant idiot!" He sat up on his elbows, "but you didn't" Angel stood up and walked to the door. "Jake I'm not myself when my fangs come out, I'm a monster, a beast, a killer. If I didn't realize what I was doing I wouldn't have stopped, I would have kept feeding until you where dead." She saw the light fade outside. "Jake, maybe you didn't kill my brother, but I don't know for sure. I'll keep my eye on you. See ya around kid" jake ran up to Angel as she opened the door, "Angel stop...." She turned to him, silver flashed in her eyes. "What do you want from me!" A rosy blush came over his cheeks. "I wanna come with you, i wanna help you find the truth. To figure out what happened to your brother." Angel crossed her arms. "And what makes you think I need your help, jake. I have thousands of years on you, more experience then you, what skills do you offer me?" He shrugs. "How about a friend?"

The SearchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora