Corazon x Reader: part 3

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GreenR: せかいじゅう の うみ を また に かけて ゆくおたけび あげて
こころ あ はれたら しゅぱつ の あいず をひびかせ ゆこう

さだめらてら みち を ぬけて
そら と うみ の さあえ に
いま ぼくら こぎだして ゆく の さ
くらい うみ の そこ に いき ひそめる あどvえんつれ
そうぞう する あけ で たのしく なれない か

せかいじゅう の うみ を また に かけて ゆく おたけび あげて
こころ が はれたら しゅぱつ の あいず を ひびかせ ゆこい

ふなで の とき の "あの きもち"
ずと わすれず に いたい
そう すれば
なに も かわくない から。。。
いま たかなる こだう おさえず に とりぽ しよう
しゃい の はうと たち が きざむ ぼいけん の りひとも

そこらじゅう の たから を かさらいながら たかわらい して
ばかすvあぎ の うたげ で とばして ゆけ しぶき あげて

からぽ の むね に ゆめ を つめこんで つばさ ひろげて
ふきぬける かぜ に こころ を そめた なら
いざ すすもう

そこらじゅう の たから を かさらいながら たかわさい して
ばかさわぎ の うたげ で とばして ゆけ しぶき あげて。。。

Law: you are seriously such a show-off.

GreenR: *smiles apologizingly* but I wanted to tell them that I've been studying Japanese and what would be better way to do it than singing One Piece OP.

Law:yeah right. 😈😈

GreenR: that also reminds me of another thing. This song is related to a lottery I'm planning to hold.

The question is really easy, just answer what opening it was and you will be in it.

The 1st place winner will get me follow him/her, also votes and comments to all his/her stories

The 2nd place will just get the votes and comments

The 3rd place will get noted in three of my chapters, no matter what stories.

You can leave your answers to comments on that chapter or PM me, and remember, you have time until the 5th May.


You woke up on Saturday, feeling utterly happy. Today you were going to a date with Cora, something you had been waiting for a whole week.

You pulled your hair into a simple pony tail, put on some light make up and wiggled into some skinny jeans and F/C T-shirt, giving the finishing touch by adding dark leather boots and jacket.

Just as you got ready, doorbell rung and yoi tamed yourself not to run to the door and rip it open. In place of that, you walked to the door slowly and maturely as you were supposed to. Okay, maybe it was a light jogging, but definitely not running.

You opened thr door to see.....the mailman. You could hardly contain your disappointment.

"Is everything alright, Ms Y/N?" Eddie the mailman asked concermedly. You nodded at him and took your newspaper and letters. Eddie walked away and you closed the door, only to open it few minutes later at another bellringing. This time it was Cora.

"Hey Cora," you gave him a little wave with the newspaper you were still holding. He waved back and smiled goofily. That goofy smile was another thing you loved about him. Wait, did I say love- I meant like of course. Ylu liked him, and nothing else.

You ready to go?

You nodded happily and asked where you were going today.

A circus came to the town and I thought you might like it.

"Sounds cool, what circus is it?"

Some little troupe called Straw Hats.

"Straw Hats?" You said, controlling that ypu had gotten the name right. "Okay then," you went outside and walked with him towards the park where the tent was set up. You actually liked walking with him more than driving, because then you were able to talk with him.

Finally you reached the park and went to the circus tent. It was small but nice, with red and yellow stripes on the fabric, just like one of those classic tents you won't be seeing many nowadays. You and Cora grabbed the seats in quite front, because you were both really excited about the show and wanted to see the whole show perfectly.

Finally the music started playing and first artist appeared on the stage. It was a guy with bright green hair, who was a really good knife-thrower. He never missed a single hit, even when his eyes were tied. There were many other artists too, like few acrobats and a woman who could go and steal even tiniest things from the heavily guarded platforms.

The whole show you felt as if someone was watching you, but you were so excited, you shrugged it off and didn't think about it anymore. The show ended and since you didn't want to go home yet, you and Cora walked around the park. That's when he appeared.

Sammy, your ex, who was a total jerk, had somehow decided he was in love with you again and came to win you back. (Seriously, he was like a jerkish asshole squared). He had been bugging you with calls and messages all week, and now he had followed you to your date.

"Y/N, please," he looked at you with bloodshot puppy-eyes, that once would've occured to you as cute, but now just left you feel diagusted.

"Sam, leave me alone," you told him quietly, not wanting to bother your day with Cora with some petty affair of the past. Sam didn't give up and he grabbed your arms, trying to drag you with him. Key word is try, because as soon as he touched you, Cora grabbed his collar and pushed him away.

You rubbed your hands from the places Sam had grabbed you, tomorrow your hands will be black and blue, and watched to men fight. Cora, although he was King of Clumsiness and the kindest man you knew, was winning. Soon Sam had to run away, beaten up and a trail of blood coming from his nose.

Sorry, Cora signed, when he got to you.

"No, it should me who-" you were cut off when he tripped and fell over, bringing you down with him. You couldn't help but laugh at the hilariousness of the situation; he was your knight in shining armor. nevertheless he had also just tripped over his own leg.

Cora turned a little red at your laughing, getting up and smiling apologizingly. Then the two of you continued your walk as if nothing had happened.


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