Bonus Chapter: I'm So Bored #5

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Note: This is my very first bonus chapter and I'm so sorry I haven't been uploading for weeks! I hope this would be enough until next time, my schedule is very messed up currently. Exams, after school lessons, meetings and now I'm ill... What to do, right? This is going be a little short but I really hope you accept my apology and have fun reading :)

Your chicka,

M!ss A


                            I feel that today is absolutely obligatory to write! So, here I am, ready to share the details and gossip... Well today was another day with our ever so pessimistic and idiot teacher, Mr. Saliba. Luckily for us, our shadow teacher, Sara. B, was teaching our class instead. It was a miracle however, that she was a million times better than Mr. Saliba will ever be. Actually, I don't think he ever had any specialty at teaching whatsoever! In short, he's crap.

                           I wonder if he knows that we've reported him. I thought today was going to be dramatic, as he could have pleaded for another chance to keep him just like my science teacher last year, Miss Yvonne. I remember that day very well as if it were yesterday. Her memory also reminds me when she used to kick me out for approximately eight times! Oh how I miss her! Who am I kidding anyways? She sucked at teaching, her English was so bad and yes she deserved to be reported by almost every grade who were taught by her!

                            I remember how she came into our class that day when she found she had been reported, depressed and red-eyed. She looked so tearful and looked like she had desperate intentions to persuade our class for give her a chance at being a better teacher. We suffered becuase of that woman's lack of talent and her "no excellent" teaching. Then just my luck the following year when I had Mr. Bassam-I-Can't-Teach-To-Save-Malaria-Saliba!

                            Enough about ranting about my teachers though I should mention our director of ISC, Mr. Germanos. He is rather a complex man who mixes his so called wise words with scientific theories. Weekly, we have an Advising class, which Mr. G mentioned that we are the only school along with other ISC schools to take Advising lessons in the entire world. Basically, he just lectures us about our school and how to succeed in it and when you go to university. It's very hard, matter of fact, to pay attention. I once got in trouble for sleeping but so far it hadn't given me a detention. I wish he would keep his theories of how mankind were once apes, to himself. Everytime he talks about it, he has to say that to him, they're facts. Opinions have a limit , especially when you're in a high position and secretly trying to persuade others to believe it too so in my belief, I don't think he should talk about it publicily to students who may or may not believe in theories such as The Theory of Evolution. I think as a person with authority, he should have not have openly discussed it with many people who are young because he honestly doesn't have to personally tell us what not to believe or believe. I  definitely respect him of course, as an elder, who has done pretty well telling us students about the school, ways to pass exams and etc. Though he opened up something too personal to reveal to everyone which in my opinion, not quite well...


Question: What do you think about Mr. Germanos' ways to openly debate about his beliefs? Do you encourage it or against that sort of manner? Should it be approved?

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