chapter 41

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we stopped whispering as we heard my brother come out of the shower "okay your turn to have a shower" he giggled "i'll see you when i get out,thank you for letting me stay here mr and mrs rose" "oh no problem,its a pleasure but may i ask when your car will be fixed?" "well my driver said it'll be fixed in about a month cause the guy has other cars to fix" he said as he was smiling and rubbing the back of his neck "oh okay,thats alright then" they said as Michael left the room to have a shower.

While he was in the shower my mother and father started talking "he can not stay here for another month!" "why not?" "its way to long! and his car is probably fixed but he just wants to stay here with us because of you and Aiden!" "he wants to learn how to cook as well mother,like you offered him" "i know i offered him that but his gone for so many hours a day i cant! because when you two or aiden gets home i get really busy cleaning out your bags and food and other things" "well maybe you should let us do that ourselves so you can spend time with Mike-i mean Michael" my parents exchanged looks before looking back at me "did you say Mike?" i rolled my eyes "yes thats what his nickname is" "oh okay well does he have a month worth of clothing?" i shrugged "im not sure,i can go ask if you like" they looked at me as i was getting out of my chair "go look through his suitcase" i looked at them like 'what?' they nodded there heads.

I went into my room and started looking in his suitcase,why would they want me to look through here? i feel so bad doing this but by the looks of it he only had one more outfit left,which meant we may have to go shopping.

As i was still searching through his suitcase i heard his footsteps walk through the room as he grunted to get my attention "what are you doing?" he asked as he closed my room door "uh,nothing" i said as i closed his suitcase and zipped it up "you were looking through my suitcase werent you?" i sat down ,on my bed and nodded my head as i was upset with myself "why?" he said as he sat next to me with a towel around his waist "i didnt want to disturb your shower and my mother asked if you had any clothes left till you had to go back" "well you couldve asked me i wouldnt have minded" he said smiling and rubbing his neck "instead of looking through my suitcase which has all my personal things in it" i giggled "yeah i could see that,anyway get dressed and come into the loungeroom" "okay but can i get a hug first?" "of course" we hugged and i gave him a kiss on the lips then i walked out of the room.

i closed my room door and walked back to my mother and father "he only has one outfit left" "okay and shelly may i talk to you in private?" my dad asked as i replied with "sure" we walked into the hallway and my dad started talking "my pjama's they had a hole in the crotch area and i noticed someone sewed it up" i started getting embarrased "Why did they have a hole there?" "um well you see when Michael put them on he said "oops" and i asked him why he said that and he said because he accidentally put a hole in the crotch area of your pants" "okay and you said?" "i said to not worry about it and that i will sew it back up in the morning" "but how did he put a hole in my pants?" "you should know how! he has a twelve-" my dad stopped me talking "how the hell do you know that?" "when he had that body examination the public put out the papers on the internet about what the length and everything they examined" my dad face palmed.
Michael came out of my room and said "hey Mr Rose look im seriously sorry about the pants thing i didnt mean to its just that things happen when you have a big package" "yeah i know what you mean Michael" he said laughing "thank you for understanding" he said laughing then biting down on his bottom lip i told him to stop biting down on his bottom lip he mouthed 'why?' i shook my head 'doesnt matter' i said shaking my head as my mother yelled "Michelle! time for your medicine!" i knew what she was talking about because my head was starting to badly hurt again "shit" i whispered under my breath as i held my head in my hands "you okay?" Michael asked me.

Michael started helping me go to the kitchen as he knew exactly what was wrong with me "here sit down" Michael said as he helped me sit down in a chair "put your head on your arms it may help your head" he said as he gave me the water and my mother gave me the pill.

i lifted my head up and took the pill immediately with the water "Michael?" i said trying to see if his there,i felt his hand go on my arm and say "dont worry im here" i nodded my head and started crying from the pain.

I heard my brother come into the room and saw me sitting there with my head inbetween my arms crying with Michael's hand on my arm with my mother and father watching me on the side "sister?" i was going to say something but Michael stopped me "she needs some peace and quiet" "okay" my brother whispered as he sat down next to Michael...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now