The Types of Kids In School

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    The Types of Kids In School

Number uno. This kid is called the know it all. If a teacher asks a question, of course, the know it all will raise their hands. No offense to the know it alls. Their answer would be of course 'I know'.  Sometimes they may even add a little more information then needed.

Number dos.  As Superwoman says, the older sexBOMB.  Now this fine and smexi beast is the older sexBOMB. You may not know anything about him but you know that they are a mother effin smexi beast. When they peek at chu BOOM! Its like a party down there. If you are anything like Superwoman in this situation ( for example me) you will come up with a code name. For example alert:

Friend: So did you hear about the party?

Me: Yea li- alert, alert, alert, alert, ALERT!

SexBOMB walks by and winks at you guys. You and your friend faint.

Good names for sexBOMB:


Sexier Channing Tatum

The complete sexBOMB 

I ran out sooo... yea

Numero Three.  The Smexi Player. Now this guy is a total utter jerk and a player BUT! Hold your horses... HE IS SO EFFIN SMEXI. I mean, he would walk buy....... and BOOM! your quiet and instantly faint. We all know he plays with girls hearts, but the sad thing is, we girls always go for them. I know stupid blah blah blah. We can't take his charm. We instantly fall at his feet and stuff. Its like he uses us. For example tampon: He has one night stands with us and dumps us leaving us craving for weird but yummy oreos, chocolate, and many junk food or candy.

Four. The so called Queen of the School. This girl is the so called queen of the school. She walks in every effin day like she owns the damn place! I mean hi excuse me, uh do you have parents that own the school and are you allowed to do that or, did you get knocked on the head? I mean come on, the rest of us are trying to survive this place called hell as is but you come and make it worse.

What number are we on? Oh yea FIVE! The A/V crew.  Turns out it is proven that when they grow up they will do the most deranged things. Ok most of them. NOT ALL!  So the lesson here my kiddies is BE NICE TO THEM! ITS IN BOLD LETTERS!

NUMBER SIX. The water works. Now my friend, this is mostly girls. They fall in love like its nothing! Shes like cupids most wanted target. If she had a boyfriend and they broke up, no offense, its like they never heard of songs by Taylor Swift.

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