The Vampire Prince and Me - Part 6

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I woke up to the sun streaming into my room. I sat up and stretched in bed, my back arched and my arms reaching up. I dropped them with a thud onto the bed. I closed my eyes and groaned as the shrill ringing of the bell interuppted my happy moment.

I dropped my head back into the pillow and tried to block out the sound; it got louder.

"Okay, okay!" I shouted as I got off the bed. A pair of slippers were waiting right where my feet landed. I slipped my feet in. A perfect fit.

I walked to Damon's room quickly and knocked on the door. "Come in," He said. I did, and shut it behind me.

Damon was lying in bed, his arm that was ringing the bell the only visible part of him.

"You rang?" I asked as he stopped.

The lump of blankets rose and Damon sat up. He looked around through sleepy eyes. "Yeah," He said groggily, running a hand through his hair. His hair was a mess. It stuck up randomly made him look adorable. I smiled, but then stopped when I noticed I hadn't brushed my hair or teeth or anything. I had come straight here. Stupid.

I probably looked like a mess. I smoothed my nightgown as best as I could. I tugged the end down. It was so short. Why did I pick this one?

I smoothed my hair down and wiped my eyes from any sleep left there.

"You look fine," Damon said. I stopped what I was doing and looked at the ground. "You rang?" I asked again.

Damon sighed. "I need breakfast." Then he added, "Please." I smiled at his effort to be nice.

" what do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, the servents know. You'll just bring it in for me." Damon said. I frowned. "Okay. Um...yeah." I turned around, but froze when I heard him mutter something.

"What?" I asked as I turned back around, confused. Damon was looking down at something. And that something just happened to be my backside.

I turned and fled from the room, muttering "Pervert." I knew he could hear me. I wanted him to.

I ran straight into something hard. I stumbled back and would have fell if someone hadn't caught me. I looked up and was speechless.

A man was looking down at me, a worried expression on his face. "Are you alright?" He asked. I said something smart like "Uh-ye-yeah. Yes, I'm fine." I blushed as he removed his arm from around my waist. He was gorgeous.

He had reddish brown hair that was cut so that it stopped above his eyes. His eyes were a beautiful, light brown with dark eyelashes. His skin was a little tan, as was the rest of him.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldve been more careful," I said as I fixed my nightgown. The man shook his head. "No, it was my fault." He got down on one knee and picked up my left hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it gently.

"And might I ask what a beautiful maiden like yourself is doing in a place like this?" He asked, still holding my hand. I blushed at his comment.

"I-I work here. As a-" I was cut off as Damon's door swung open. He had changed his clothes and freshend up. And right now, he looked angry.

The man dropped my hand and stood up. Damon glared at him and said, "Vincent. What are you doing here?" His voice was bitter and I was shocked. "Damon, what-?" I tried to ask. Damon looked at me briefly then back at the man who apparently was named Vincent.

"Lilly, to your room." Damon ordered, not looking away from Vincent.

"But-" I tried to argue.


I turned away from them and started to my room. What the hell was going on?

"See you later. Lilly." Vincent said as I walked away. I looked over my shoulder and saw him waving at me. I smiled and waved back. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled foreward by an invisible force. The door to my room opened by myself and the force pulled me in. I gasped as I dropped to the ground.

I crawled to the door and pressed my ear against it, straining to hear what was being said. I could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation.

"...don't even get close to her and I'll..." That was Damon talking.

"...I won't...Damon, I'm your friend and I..."

There was a thud and then Vincent was laughing. "Are you going to hurt me? I remember when...go ahead...I'm staying..."

Damon was angry. I could hear it in his voice. "Vincent, I swear...then I'll kill you...I'm serious."

Gosh this was annoying. I could only hear parts of their sentences.

Suddenly, the door opened and I fell forward. A pair of strong arms pulled me to my feet. Damon.

"Lilly? What..? Never mind. What I wanted to say was that we will have a guest be staying with us for a while. Vincent." Damon litterally growled his name.

"Okay." I said. "Which room will he be staying in?" I glanced curiously past Damon at Vincent. He smiled at waved. I blushed and looked down with a small smile on my face. Damon blocked my view and shut the door behind him as he entered my room.

"Listen to me and listen to me good," Damon said, his arm around my waist, and the other holding the back of my head close to his. His lips were at my ear as he whispered, "Stay away from Vincent. He's dangerous." I frowned.

"Then why are you letting him stay?" I whispered back. Damon went rigid then relaxed. "I owe him...a I'm paying it off by letting him stay."

Damon let me go and glanced at my outfit. "Go change. And don't wear anything revealing in front of Vincent. You have no idea what kind of person he is. Or person he was. He's a vampire too."

I turned away and started for my closet. "Fine." I answered as I looked through my clothes.

Damon walked into the closet behind me. "And when he's here, you're not my maid. You're also a guest, okay? So don't do why Vincent tells you to do."

I nodded and shuddered. Why was Damon being so protective. What was Vincent going to do? What's he like, really?

"Okay." I said. Damon nodded in approval as I pulled a purple dress off the rack. It was long sleeves and covered my ankles and wrists. It still showed body shape and showed a little clevage, but other than that, was okay.

"Breakfast will be served shortly. Follow the petals when you're done." Damon instructed.

He left and I was left wondering what was going to happen during Vincent's stay.

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