Chapter 9

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I felt myself moving but my feet werent on the ground. My eyelids where closed but I could see light coming through them which made it look red. I slowly opened my eyes but the light burned so  I quickly closed them hissing thorugh my teeth. I felt the arms around me adjust and my head rolled around without their previoius support. 

"Matt..." I grumbled

I heard footsteps hurry over to hold my hand.

"Clara I'm here. How are you feeling?" Matt asked holding my hand tightly

Then who was holding me?  I slowly opened my sore eyes and looked to see Matt standing in front of me. I looked up and saw Ty looking down at me with serious eyes. I blushed and looked away at Matt's shoes too embarassed to talk to Ty yet. 

"How are you feeling?" Ty repeated Max's earlier question

I attempted to shrug but since I was squished in Ty's strong arms I'm pretty sure it just ended up looking like a had three chins. Matt cracked a smile at my pose but Ty kept serious. I squirmed in his arm to try to let him know he could put me down but instead he just held me tighter. 

Matt's eyes darkened "Dude put her down."


"I dont remember saying it was an option."

By now the where as close as they could be face to face without squishing me. And I was feeling very uncomfortable to say the least. I was never really the girl to talk to boys... or have them being weirdly protective over me. So I did what I knew.

I punched both Matt and Ty in the stomach and Matt colapsed in pain and Ty just stood still unfazed but let me loose so I could stand.

"Is that the best you've got cupcake?" He said while pinching my cheek

I slapped his hand away my face flushed. I'd forgotten that he was just as strong as me. Matt got up and brushed himself off. He quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me away from Ty. We walked past Pete and William who'd both been talking in front of us and pulled me away from the group into the brush. At this point I was super pissed. I am tired. I am hungry. And I'm tired of being dragged around like a ragdoll even though im clearly not.

"What!" I snapped at Matt

He looked slightly hurt that I yelled but still stuttered to find words.

"What did Ty do to you?"

"What are you talking about..." I trailed off remembering how I was puking all over Matt the other day.

"Clara unless you ate some random plant without me looking that causes violent puking then he did something."

I frowned. Even if I did eat a plant I wouldn't of thrown up. What was Matts problem anyways?

"Nothing happened!"

"Do you think I'm stupid?! Ever since we met these people you haven't been talking to me! I miss you Clara! Don't think I forgot about that day in the woods!"

My mind flashed back to the almost kiss. My cheeks turned scarlet from the memory and anger.

"Of course I remember!"

"Well why are you acting like you didn't feel anything?!"

I sucked in a sharp breath. If what Ty says is true then I will never be able to feel anything for Matt thats real. And it's not fair.

"Clara!" he yelled in frusteration at my lack of response


"But Clara... I thought we always..."

"Well you where wrong." I felt a stab in my heart. Why is this hurting me if I can't ever love him. I love Ty...don't I.

On queue Ty burst through the tress.

"What the hell is going on?"

Matt lunged at Ty almost as soon as he was in sight. They rolled onto the ground Matt throwing punches and Ty dodging every one. I heard the sound of fists smacking against each other laced with curses. They both bolted up out of breath.

"Dude what the hell is your problem!?" Ty asked Matt who was wiping blood away from his lip

"Your my problem! You changed Clara! I love her! I've always loved her! You have no right!"

I felt like I was watching the situation from outside of my body. My eyes widened at Matt's words. He loves me? Love? I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Ty's boodcurtling roar.


And I saw him transform

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